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I have devoted most of my life to studying the world's religions. Along with other religions, I have delved deeply into Islam. As with other religions, I have discovered much about Islam that I consider positive. There are however certain aspects of Islam that are deeply troubling to me, moreso than any other religion. As always, I invite your comments, questions, and corrections on the topics covered here.The 1991 Muslim Brotherhood Memo of Understanding in North America: Civilization Jihad
Is Islam the Religion of Peace?
Is Muhammad Mentioned in the Jewish Tanach?A look at Shir Hashirim (Song of Songs) 5:16 and Jonah 2:9 (2:10).
The Muslim Brotherhood Project Part One of Two.
The Muslim Brotherhood Project Part Two of Two.
Controversial Topics: Prophecies, Politics, and More
This is in Exile: Network Solutions Stole My Domain Name! in Exile
Islamic Pages