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The Mother of All Pagan Holidays
Part Five
By Rabbi Shlomo Nachman © December 29, 2010 (last updated April 08, 2015)
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'Tis the season to debate Christmas, Falalalalalalalala! So Let's Continue!Go to: Part 1: The Mother of All Pagan Holidays
Go to: Part 2: The Birth of Y'shua ben Yosef
Go to: Part 3: The Real Reason for the Season
Go to: Part 4: The Dark Truth About Santa Claus
Go to: Part 5: Saint Nicholas and the Nicolaitan Heresy
Go to: Part 6: A Christmas Song
Saint Nicholas and the Nicolaitan Heresy
The "Nicolaitan Heresy" is referenced directly in Genesis and in the Book of the Revelation and indirectly by Paul, John and others in the Christian New Testament). It is essentially the Humanist dogma of Universalism. The essential idea goes back to the Garden of Eden if we approach it from a literalist perspective:
Is it true that God has said, You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?... You shall not surely die, for God knows that in the day you eat of it, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as God, knowing good and evil -- Genesis 3:1-5.The Nicolaitan heresy is that humans can elevate themselves to godhood through the unification of resources and human beliefs. At the Tower of Babel (Genesis 10 and 11) humanity sought to replace the worship of the One God with Deistic Humanism (aka Deism) under the guidance of Goddess Atargati of Babylon. The underpinning dogma then and now is the conviction that human consciousness can be unified through diverse religious, psychological and philosophical constructs to form a single global power structure, paradigm and awareness through which humanity can be elevated to the level of deity, the summit of the zigerat. In other words:Genesis 3:5 ... your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.The Nicolaitan heresy proposes to replace the one true God with the Nicolaitan/Merovingians Elite.
According to Torah, through the Nephilim (Genesis 6:1-6) King Nimrod (Genesis 9:10) and Queen Semiramis spread this heresy throughout Babylon. It has been passed down generation by generation ever since as a virulent creeper that attaches to the souls of humanity. The titulary leader of this heretical movement is known as "Old Nick" or "the Stranger." According to some this is an actual human being, a key Merovingian official, who inherits the title or has it bestowed upon him generation after generation. His identity is a carefully guarded secret. Although some identify him as the Pope others believe the Papacy is little more than a Merrovingian tool. According to others the term should be understood more metaphorically. In either case, he is said to be always aloof and unto himself in communion with Dagon. His name or title Nicholas means victory or ascendency of humanity.
"Old Nick" is an ancient and well established moniker of certain gods (especially of those who rule the subterranean and occult regions such as Hades) and yet Christians and others place their children onto the lap of "Saint Nick" each Yule and instruct them to pray to him for material possessions. How is this is "Christian" or even godly?
Santa is not what he seems!
Old Nick: Nicolaitan God of the Merovingians
"Saint" Nicholas with the Three Boys in the Pickling Tub,
South Netherlandish, ca. 1500. -- Metropolitan Museum of ArtHere's his essential public back story:
Nicholas of Mira ("Saint Nick") was a Greek Nicolaitan Arch Bishop of uncertain parentage ('like Melchizedek' the tradition notes). This is significant to their beliefs because like Melchizedek (to whom even the righteous Avraham gave tithes according to Genesis 14:14-20) he had neither mother nor father -- Hebrews 7:1-4). Old Nick lived around 270 to December 6, 343 CE (which is his holy day) in the city of Patara (Lycia et Pamphylia: a port on the Mediterranean Sea) in Asia Minor. He is also known as Nicholas the Wonder Worker, Nicholas of Bari, Saint Nick and of course the historic Santa Claus. So, "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus."
Nicholas of Mira and Goddess Pasqua Epiphania
Upon becoming Bishop of Myra (now part of Turkey) Old Saint Nick relocated to Mira, the holy city of Grandmother (i.e. High) Goddess Pasqua Epiphania and took up residency in her temple. Here's one of the famous accounts of his wonders there:
Once a wealthy merchant or mage from the East sent his three sons to Myra to see "His Reverence, Nicholas the Arch Bishop." The young men entered Mira at dusk and took a room in the inn.As stated above, the name Nicholas means "ascendency of humanity." Its shortened form, "Neck," "Nikke," or "Nokke" is related to (or may likely be derived from) the Dutch word nikken or devil (related to the water spirits referenced previously). The word nikken is related to (stems from) the Anglo-Saxon Nicaean meaning "to slay." This is harmonious with the Nicolaitan/Luciferian dogma that humanity 'ascends' by slaying and consuming the Deity (reflected in the Gingerbread Man and other forms of Transubstantiation). It is no wonder they concretized their power in the city of Nicaea (Nicea)!Noting their obvious wealth and breeding the innkeeper crept up to their room around midnight and stole their belongings. Lest he be caught he decided to murder the three young men, which he did. He hauled their bodies into the cellar, dismembered them and tossed them into a large pork pickling-tub. Thinking to profit from their deaths as well, their remains were mixed with the pork to be sold as food and shipped away across the Adriatic to Slovenia, Croatia and points beyond.
Nicholas of Myra was no ordinary priest however and he knew what had been done! In the morning he donned his pontifical vestments and confronted the innkeeper with his crime.
Having been discovered the innkeeper fell to his knees and confessed his crime, begging forgiveness. What became of the innkeeper is debated, there is a darker version of this tale:
Old Nick then went into the cellar to the tub and waved his wonder working hands over its contents. At his 'Word of Power' the bodies of the three young men reassembled! They came back to life hole and fit and worshipped Old Nick. He accepted their worship but told them to be discreet about it.
Nicholas of Mira reigned as Arch Bishop during the formative years of the Universal (Catholic) Church. During that same period the original Jewish reform teachings of Y'shua were usurped and redefined into the essentuaiasl Nicolaitan Church dogmas that are now accepted by virtually all of Christendom. These dogmas were canonized in documents such as the Nicaean Creed (Nicean Creed).
Please note: Not all Catholics nor other Christians are "Nicolaitans." This is not intended to be a blanket attack on any of them. Most religious Christians are sincere devout people who worship God to the best of their knowledge and abilities. The cabal abides within the chambers of the Vatican and other seats of religious authority where the leaders know they are teaching falsehoods but continue to do so for their own reasons. Most religious Christians sincerely intend to worship the God of the Bible. They have simply been decieved. HaShem looks at the heart and the intention of those who come before Him and He is most merciful.
James 4:17 Therefore to one who knows to do good, and does not do it, to him it is sin.Catholics are no less "Christian" than the rest of Christendom. With this understanding, consider the following points from the tale of Nicholas and the Three Boys in the Pickling Tub.
Nicholas, Bishop of Myra and Lord of Bari
- From a Pagan conception the wealthy man from the east (like the Gospel's wise men from the east sent to see Y'shua as a child) can be understood as a representative of the counsel of gods. This is based on the ancient Pagan principle: Ex Lux Orient: Truth Comes from the East. That this is in fact what the story intends to teach to 'those who have eyes to see' is further supported by the point that Heylel or Lucifer is known as the Eastern or Day Star who rules that direction. As Lucius or Dagon, Old Nick is the god of the Nicolaitans and he illumines the Illuminati from the east or Eastern Star.
- The "three sons" sent forth from this Eastern Counsel can also be understood as the Christian Trinity being ordered to appear before "Old Nick," their Father (such a view would be harmonious with Zoroastrian or Magianism cosmology). All of the gods are subject to Dagon.
- The three sons, being sons, also represent those who have inherited biblical truth, in this case, the followers of the historic Y'shua. Although they are wealthy (successful) they were found unfit to continue and so Old Nick decides that they must undergo a process of Nicolaitan Disambiguation. In other words, their beliefs and teachings were thrown into the 'pickling tub' along with other 'failed' belief systems of the Empire in order to create the new Universal Kirk ('catholic religion'). All of these, the biblical, the diverse Pagan and Heathen, the Gnostic systems and so on were all mixed together, like mixing pork (anti-Torah, falsity) with human flesh (Torah/truth). The hybrid remains were then sold to the public for consumption as the Nicolaitan religion under Roman authority.
- As the "born again" trinity arises from the putrid water (another significant Pagan implication here) they leave or emerge from the "pork" (an insulting reference to Judaism) elements and are thus deemed worthy by Old Nick to serve as representatives of the Nicolaitan/Bavarian hierarchy and to further its goals.
Nicholas the Wonder worker" as he was known was born in Parara, Turkey (in 270 CE. He died December 5th or 6th, 346). He was said to be a very kind and generous man who often left secreted gifts for the poor with the aid of companions like Zwarte Piet (a black skinned servant, representing evil and occult perversions), Knecht Ruprecht (a bearded farm hand, representing Heathenism), Krampus (an incubus-like horned creature, representing the worship of Nick and the creatures of the night), der Wilde Mann (an unhorned incubus known simply as "the wild man," representing Paganism) and other non-biblical Pagan characters. The town's people would leave their shoes out on their porches overnight hoping that Nicholas (representing the Nicolaitan Church) would leave coins in them (he had the wealth, another important point as his wealth was stolen from his victims in the Pickling Tub).
Sinterklaas and Santa
Nicene Church officials carefully crafted Nicholas' popular reputation into the public facade of their Saint ("Santa") Nick (even though he was not formally declared a Catholic saint until the 19th century). By incorporating these images and traditions many Northern European Heathens who would have otherwise resisted came into the Universal Church. While Old Nick's demonic companions are largely unknown in the U.S., they are still widely honored and feared in Bavaria, the Netherlands and elsewhere as the nature-spirit assistants to Sinterklaas.Sinterklaas' name comes from the Dutch word Sinter and offers a hint into Old Nick's true identity. He emerges from the sintel or cinders of the mythical regions of Hell (Hades, the Greek realm of the dead) along with his demonic assistants! The rest of the West still maintains this tradition somewhat as Santa emerging from fireplaces to delivery his goodies.
Nicholas, Nicaea and the Nicolaitan Heresy
There was much more to "Nicholas the Wonder worker" than a simple and generous Catholic priest however! Nicholas of Myra was also one of the senior bishops who convened the heretical Council of Nicaea in 325 CE. Through these councils the dogmas, edicts and authority of the new Universal ("catholic") Church were established. He was also instrumental in the editing, reworking and the eventual canonization of what is known today as the New Testament. He is also at least partly culpable for the destruction of all the original Hebrew documents of the New Testament from which it was derived (or perhaps with concealing them in the Vatican vaults). Along with various coconspirators Nicholas of Myra created the Nicene Creed that effectively blended Paganism with the teachings of Y'shua (as pork and human flesh were blended in the tub) that soon thereafter lead to the demise of his movement completely.
Think about this!
This means that a key member of the Nicene Counsel became the very embodiment of Old Nick and the object of adoration and fear of Christian children worldwide!
This is Christian?![]()
This is the true Santa.
It is also quite revealing that Santa Claus has far far outdistanced Jesus as the true "reason for the season" in the minds and practices of the Christian world!
As Y'shua's brother James noted: Now you know the truth about this holiday. Will you continue to observe these anti-Torah holidays? Its your decision.
** I bet I get coal in my stocking this year! Oy vey!
Continue to Part Six, the conclusion of this study.
Go to: Part 1: The Mother of All Pagan Holidays
Go to: Part 2: The Birth of Y'shua ben Yosef
Go to: Part 3: The Real Reason for the Season
Go to: Part 4: The Dark Truth About Santa Claus
Go to: Part 5: Saint Nicholas and the Nicolaitan Heresy
Go to: Part 6: A Christmas Song
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