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In this entry I will attempt to briefly explain who the Bilderberg Group is, how they came to be and what they are doing.
The Bavarian Illuminati have long sought to establish a global Luciferian government. The Nazi Third Reich was their first serious attempt but for reasons I'll discuss elsewhere the plan failed.
A few years after the war, in 1954, the Illuminati began a new program: The Bilderberg Group.
There are thirteen essential royal European families or houses who believe themselves to be superior to all other humans on this planet. They are all offshoots of the Merovingian family lineage. These Elitist Royals believe themselves to be more than merely human, they believe themselves to be flesh encased gods and light-holders, the rightful masters of world. I discuss the origins and alleged divinity of this important family here. They hold to an ancient religious belief system devoted to the Light Bringer, the Son of the Morning. They deem themselves to be the Enlightened Ones, the Illuminati.
Under the authority of the Dutch crown these Illuminati families, headed by Rockefeller associate Elites, gathered in a secret meeting at the Netherlands Hotel Bilderberg in Oosterbeck.
At this initial meeting the leaders of the Bavarian Illuminati called together many of the richest and most powerful capitalists on earth and made them an offer they could not resist. Through various deals and agreements plans were developed and redesigned for the establishment of the New World Order ("Novus Ordo Mundi") and the subsequent New Order of the Ages ("Novus Ordo Seclorum"). These were not new ideas but their execution came under the authority of this and related groups.
The basic plan had been underway for a very long time. What was new was the establishment of a global guild, named the Bilderberg Group, that would hold annual meetings to facilitate the timely working out of the Illuminati Plan of world conquest and lordship.
As Adolf Hitler had failed his mission to establish the New World Order, a competition was established between Globalists in the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. This contest was known as the Cold War.
"National Socialism will use its own revolution for establishing of a new world order."Adolph Hitler during World War II
"They [the Soviets] intend...to induce the Americans to adopt their own 'restructuring' and convergence of the Soviet and American systems using to this end the fear of nuclear conflict.... Convergence will be accompanied by blood baths and political re-education camps in Western Europe and the United States. The Soviet strategists are counting on an economic depression in the United States and intend to introduce their reformed model of socialism with a human face as an alternative to the American system during the depression."Anatoliy Golitsyn The Perestroika Deception 1990.
What happened however was that the United States was victorious in the Cold War and proved itself superior in undermining global freedom and security and promoting the New World Order:
"Our nation is uniquely endowed to play a creative and decisive role in the new order which is taking form around us."Henry Kissinger Seattle Post Intelligence 1975
In order to be successful and court Bilderberg approval many of the most power capitalists and media Moguls in the US sold their souls to the Light Bringer and his servants. Of this we read:
"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected the promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world-government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the National auto-determination practiced in past centuries"--David Rockefeller in an address to a Trilateral Commission meeting in June of 1991
Now that the day is dawning for the Luciferian dream to be realized, it is the United States that is falling in order to return the global throne to the Bavarian Illuminati masters. If the plan goes as conceived, the EU will finalize their unification, a genetically perfected male child of a Jewish Merovingian mother will arise and receive the Illuminati throne from which he will rule the world.
The Bilderberg Group has sought to maintain the privacy of its members but we know of many of them. Following is a rather lengthy although incomplete list of Bilderberg servants of the Bavarian Illuminati, the true Master of the Universe.
In their own words... Every US president since Eisenhower has either belonged to the Bilderberg Group or its older sister guild, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), or been directly approved by them.
"... it's Bush's baby, even if he shares its popularization with Gorbachev. Forget the Hitler 'new order' root; F.D.R. used the phrase earlier." -- William Safire, in the New York Times (February 1991).
The central Bilderberg Group is merely a more public guild of the Illuminati. Their primary role is the establishment and orchestration of the various New World Order work groups such as the Counsel on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Trilateral Commission (founded by David Rockefeller and Brzezinski), the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) based at Chatham House in London, the Federal Reserve (established by the House of Rothchild and Paul Warburg), ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, the New York Times, Fox News, the BBC and most of the Western corporate media. These and other Illuminati ministries are at work around the globe preparing the global Secular Humanist agenda.
Among the members of the Bilderberg Group are Paul Wolfowitz, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Tony Blair, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Dick Cheney, both George Bushes' and countless other heads of government, business, politicians, bankers and journalists from around the world."
The Bilderberg Group is a secret government that is working at the pleasure of the Bavarian Illuminati.
It is from the Illuminati that Rex Mundi, the coming global ruler, will arise.
There is nothing new under the sun. The Bilderbergs are merely the current incarnation of the Luciferian Plan for global conquest.
"The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes." --Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli of England, in 1844.
"Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." - Woodrow Wilson
"[The New World Order] cannot happen without U.S. participation, as we are the most significant single component. Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force the United States to change it's perceptions." -- Henry Kissenger, World Affairs Council Press Conference, Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel , April 19th 1994
"We know in the not too distant future, a half dozen corporations are going to control the media. We took this step (merger) to ensure we were one of them"--Time Warner spokesperson.
"We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent." -- Statement made before the United States Senate on Feb. 7, 1950 by James Paul Warburg ("Angel" to and active in the United World Federalists), son of Paul Moritz Warburg, nephew of Felix Warburg and of Jacob Schiff, both of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. which poured millions into the Russian Revolution through James' brother Max, banker to the German government - See the Sisson Report
"All of us will ultimately be judged on the effort we have contributed to building a NEW WORLD ORDER."--Robert Kennedy, former U.S. Attorney-General, 1967.
"Fundamental Bible-believing people do not have the right to indoctrinate their children in their religious beliefs because we, the state, are preparing them for the year 2000, when America will be part of a one-world global society and their children will not fit in." --Nebraska State Senator Peter Hoagland, speaking on radio in 1983.
"When we got organized as a country and we wrote a fairly radical Constitution with a radical Bill of Rights, giving a radical amount of freedom to Americans..." "And so alot of people say there's too much personal freedom. When personal freedom's being abused, you have to move to limit it. That's what we did in the announcement I made last weekend on the Housing Projects, about how we're going to have weapon sweeps and more things like that to try to make the people feel safer in their communities"--President Bill Clinton 3-22-94, MTV's "Enough is Enough"
"We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans.."-- Bill Clinton USA Today--3-11-93, page 2a
"Gun registration is not enough"--Attorney General Janet Reno--12-10-93--Associated Press. It was of course Janet the Butcher Reno and Hillary who orchestrated the murder of the Waco Christians.
"The Trilateral Commission is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States. The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power--Political, Monetary, Intellectual, and Ecclesiastical."--U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater from his 1964 book "No Apologies"
"I believe that if the people of this nation fully understood what Congress has done to them over the last 49 years, they would move on Washington; they would not wait for an election....It adds up to a preconceived plan to destroy the economic and social independence of the United States!" --George W. Malone, U.S. Senator (Nevada), speaking before Congress in 1957.
"We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money." -- Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., in Foreign Affairs (July/August 1995)
Walter Cronkite acknowledging his support for the One World Government:
A partial list of members of the Bilderberg Group:The Bilderberg Group or Bilderberg conference is an unofficial annual invitation-only conference of around 130 guests, most of whom are persons of influence in the fields of business, media, and politics.
The elite group meets annually at luxury hotels or resorts throughout the world, normally in Europe, once every four years in the United States or Canada. It has an office in Leiden, South Holland, Netherlands.[1] They met at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Istanbul, Turkey for the June 2007 meeting.[2] The 56th Bilderberg meeting took place June 6-8, 2008 at the Westfields Marriott in Chantilly, Va.
* Prince Philip (1965, 1966, 1967), Duke of Edinburgh
* Prince Charles (1986), Prince of Wales
* Prince Bernhard (Chairman of Bilderberg Meetings 1954-1976), father of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands
* Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands[3]
* Claus von Amsberg (1967, 1968, 1971), husband of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands
* Willem-Alexander, Prince of Orange (2001, 2008), Crown price of the Netherlands
* Juan Carlos I, King of Spain
* Queen Sofia of Spain, wife of Juan Carlos I, King of Spain
* Infanta Cristina, Duchess of Palma de Mallorca, younger daughter of Juan Carlos I, King of Spain
* Prince Philippe, Duke of Brabant (2008), Crown Prince of Belgium
* Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, King of Sweden
* Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein (1985)
* Prince Axel of Denmark (1955, 1957)
United States
* David L. Aaron (1977), former Deputy National Security Advisor
* Dean Acheson (1957, 1958, 1964, 1966), former United States Secretary of State
* Keith B. Alexander (2008), current Director, National Security Agency
* Roger Altman (2008), former United States Deputy Secretary of the Treasury
* John B. Anderson (1977), former US Congressman
* Nancy Kassebaum Baker, former US Senator
* George W. Ball (1954-1992)[4], former U.S. diplomat
* Evan Bayh (1999), current US Senator
* Lloyd Bentsen (1989, 1995 - 1997), former United States Secretary of the Treasury
* Sandy Berger, former National Security Advisor (United States)
* John Brademas (1966), former US Congressman
* Bill Bradley (1985), former US Senator
* Nicholas F. Brady (1991), former United States Secretary of the Treasury
* Edward Brooke (1968), former US Senator
* Zbigniew Brzezinski (Guest, 1966, 1968, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1978, 1985), President Carter's National Security Advisor
* McGeorge Bundy (1956, 1957, 1964, 1966), former National Security Advisor (United States)
* Clifford P. Case (1958), former US Senator
* John Chafee, former US Senator
* Frank Church, former US Senator
* Hillary Clinton (1997), current US Senator, also attended the World Economic Forum, the Munich Conference on Security Policy, the Salzburg Global Seminar and the Renaissance Weekend. Member of the Democratic Leadership Council
* Bill Clinton (1991)[5], former US President, 1993 - 2001
* Carlos M. Collazo (2003)
* Jon Corzine (199 - 1997[3], 1999, 2003, 2004), current Governor of New Jersey
* Kenneth W. Dam, former United States Deputy Secretary of the Treasury
* Thomas A. Daschle (2008), former US Senator
* Thomas E. Dewey (1956, 1957, 1966), former Governor of New York
* C. Douglas Dillon (1968), former United States Secretary of the Treasury
* Christopher Dodd (1999 - 2001), current US Senator
* John Edwards (2004), former US Senator
* Stuart Eizenstat, former United States Deputy Secretary of the Treasury
* Daniel J. Evans, former US Senator, former Governor of Washington
* Dianne Feinstein (1991), current US Senator
* James Florio (1994), former Governor of New Jersey
* Tom Foley (1995, 2002), former Speaker of the US House of Representatives
* Gerald R. Ford (1964, 1966), former US President, 1974 - 1977
* Harold Ford, Jr. (2008), current Chairman, Democratic Leadership Council, former US Congressman, Vice Chairman, Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
* Donald M. Fraser (1971), former US Congressman
* Peter Hood Ballantine Frelinghuysen, Jr. (1964, 1966, 1971), former US Congressman
* J. William Fulbright (1956, 1957, 1964), former US Senator
* Cornelius Edward Gallagher (1963, 1966), former US Congressman
* Melinda Gates (2004), wife of Bill Gates
* David Gergen (1995), political consultant and presidential adviser during the Republican administrations of Nixon, Ford, and Reagan, campaign staffer for George H.W. Bush and adviser to Democratic President Bill Clinton
* Dan Glickman, former US Congressman
* Donald Gregg (1985), former United States Ambassador
* Marc Grossman (2007), former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
* Richard N. Haass (2004)[6], president, Council on Foreign Relations
* Chuck Hagel (1999 - 2001), current US Senator
* Alexander Haig, former United States Secretary of State
* Lee H. Hamilton (1997)[3], former US Congressman
* Fred R. Harris (1966), former US Senator
* H. John Heinz III, former US Senator
* Christian Herter (1961, 1963, 1964, 1966)[7], former Secretary of State
* Richard Holbrooke (1995 - 1999, 2004 - 2006, 2008), former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
* Kay Bailey Hutchison (2000, 2002), current US Senator
* Henry M. Jackson (1964, 1966-1968), former US Senator
* Jacob Javits (1964, 1966), former US Senator
* Joseph E. Johnson (1954)[8], former President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
* Bennett Johnston Jr. (1991), former US Senator
* James Robert Jones, former US Congressman
* Vernon Jordan (1980, 1991, 2005, 2006, 2008)
* Thomas Kean, former Governor of New Jersey
* Robert M. Kimmitt, current United States Deputy Secretary of the Treasury
* Henry Kissinger (1957, 1964, 1966, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1977-2003, 2004[6], 2005-2008), Secretary of State, 1973 - 1977
* John LaFalce, former US Congressman
* Gerard F. LeBlond (2008), former President of The Edward-Laurent Foundation, Inc.
* Winston Lord (1974), former United States Ambassador to China
* William J. Luti, Senior Director for Defense Policy and Strategy for the National Security Council
* Terry McAuliffe, former Chairman of the Democratic National Committee
* Robert S. McNamara (1968, 1975), former US Secretary of Defense, former President of the World Bank
* Charles Mathias, Jr. (1967, 1968, 1974, 1975, 1977), former US Senator
* Ken Mehlman, former Chairman of the Republican National Committee
* Cord Meyer (1957), CIA official
* George J. Mitchell, former US Senator
* Walter F. Mondale (1974), former US Vice President, 1977 - 1981
* Sam Nunn (1996, 1997[3]), former US Senator
* Dan Quayle (1990, 1991), former US Vice President, 1989 - 1993
* George Pataki (2006), former Governor of New York
* Henry M. Paulson, Jr. (2008), current United States Secretary of the Treasury
* Claiborne Pell, former US Senator
* Richard Perle (1985, 2003, 2006, 2008), assistant Secretary of Defense, 1981 - 1987
* Rick Perry (2007), current Governor of Texas
* William J. Perry (1996), former United States Secretary of Defense
* Colin L. Powell (1997), former United States Secretary of State
* Larry Pressler, former US Senator
* Joel Pritchard (1975), former US Congressman
* Ralph E. Reed, Jr., former first executive director of the Christian Coalition
* Condoleezza Rice (2008), current United States Secretary of State
* Bill Richardson (1999, 2000), current Governor of New Mexico
* Donald W. Riegle, Jr. (1971), former US Senator
* David Rockefeller, original U.S. founding member, life member, and member of the Steering Committee (1954-
* Jay Rockefeller (1971), current US Senator
* Nelson A. Rockefeller (1957, 1974), former US Vice President, 1974 - 1977, former Governor of New York, 1959 - 1973
* Dennis Ross (2006, 2008)
* Walt Whitman Rostow, former National Security Advisor (United States)
* Donald Rumsfeld (1975, 2002), Secretary of Defense, 2001 - 2006
* Dean Rusk (1955, 1957, 1966), former United States Secretary of State
* Mark Sanford (2008), current Governor of South Carolina, also attended the Renaissance Weekend
* Hugh Scott (1961, 1966), former US Senator
* Brent Scowcroft (1985, 1994), former National Security Advisor (United States)
* Kathleen Sebelius (2007, 2008), current Governor of Kansas
* George P. Shultz (2008), former United States Secretary of State, former United States Secretary of the Treasury
* Kristen Silverberg (2007), Bureau of International Organization Affairs, part of the State Department
* John Sparkman (1955, 1966), former US Senator
* James Steinberg, former Deputy National Security Advisor
* Adlai Stevenson III (1971), former US Senator
* Robert Schwarz Strauss, former Chairman of the Democratic National Committee
* Lawrence Summers (1998, 2002, 2008), former United States Secretary of the Treasury
* John H. Sununu (1990), former Governor of New Hampshire
* Shirley Temple (1982), former United States Ambassador, former child actress
* Cyrus Vance (1971), former United States Secretary of State
* Mark Warner (2005), former Governor of Virginia
* Vin Weber (2007, 2008), former US Congressman
* Christine Todd Whitman (1998), former Governor of New Jersey
* L. Douglas Wilder (1991), former Governor of Virginia, current Mayor of Richmond, Virginia
* Ross Wilson (ambassador) (2007), current United States Ambassador to Turkey
* Paul Wolfowitz (2008), former President of the World Bank
* Philip D. Zelikow (2007), executive director of the 9/11 Commission and Counselor of the United States Department of State
* Robert Zoellick (1991, 2003, 2006, 2008), former Deputy Secretary of State and current President of the World Bank
* Lester B. Pearson (1964, 1966, 1968), former Prime Minister of Canada from 1963 to 1968
* Pierre Trudeau (1985), former Prime Minister of Canada from 1968 to 1979
* Jean Chrétien, Canadian Prime Minister, 1993 - 2003
* Paul Martin (1996), Canadian Prime Minister, 2003 - 2006
* Stephen Harper (2003), Canadian Prime Minister, 2006 – Present
* Bernard Lord, former Premier of New Brunswick
* Robert L. Stanfield (1968), former Premier of Nova Scotia
* Jason Kenney (2007), Canadian Member of Parliament
* Preston Manning, former leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, leader of the Reform Party of Canada
* Lloyd Axworthy, former Minister of Foreign Affairs (Canada)
* Kevin G. Lynch, Canadian civil servant
* Frank McKenna (2006, 2008), former Canadian Ambassador to the United States, former Premier of New Brunswick, current Deputy Chairman of Toronto-Dominion Bank
* Michael Wilson (politician), current Canadian Ambassador to the United States, former Minister of Finance (Canada), former Minister of International Trade (Canada)
* Marc Lalonde (1977), former Minister of Finance (Canada)
* Jacques Parizeau (1968), former Premier of Quebec
* Robert Bourassa (1971), former Premier of Quebec
* Jean Lesage (1966), former Premier of Quebec
* Mike Harris, former Premier of Ontario
* Ralph Klein, former Premier of Alberta
* Peter Lougheed (1973), former Premier of Alberta
* Gerald Regan (1977), former Premier of Nova Scotia
* Paul Joseph James Martin (1957, 1966-1968), former Canadian Senator, former Leader of the Government in the Senate (Canada), former Minister of National Health and Welfare (Canada), former Secretary of State for External Affairs (Canada), father of former Prime Minister of Canada,Paul Martin
* Jeanne Sauvé (1974), former Governor General of Canada
* Donald S. Macdonald (1971, 1973), former Minister of Finance (Canada), former Minister of National Defence (Canada)
* Heather Reisman (2006, 2007, 2008), Canadian businesswoman
* Andre Desmarais, Power Corp
United Kingdom
* Gordon Brown (1991), current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
* Tony Blair (1993)[5], former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom[9]
* John Major, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
* Margaret Thatcher (1975)[10], former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
* James Callaghan (1963, 1966), former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
* Edward Heath (1963, 1966, 1967), former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
* Alec Douglas-Home (1977), former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
* Harold Wilson (1966), former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
* Kenneth Clarke (1998[11], 2006[12] & 2007[13]), former Chancellor of the Exchequer
* George Osborne (2006)[14] Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer 2004-Present; member of the opposition 2001-Present
* Denis Healey, former Secretary of State for Defence 1963-1970, former Chancellor of the Exchequer 1974-1979 (founding member of Bilderberg)
* Ed Balls, Economic Secretary to the Treasury 2006 - 2007
* Paddy Ashdown (1989), former leader of the UK Liberal Democrats
* Peter Carington, 6th Baron Carrington, former Secretary-General of NATO
* David Owen (1973), former British Foreign Secretary
* Norman Lamont, former Chancellor of the Exchequer
* William Hague, former leader of the Conservative Party (UK), current Shadow Foreign Secretary
* Sir Malcolm Rifkind, former British Foreign Secretary
* Douglas Hurd, former British Foreign Secretary
* Cecil Parkinson, former Chairman of the Conservative Party
* Roy Jenkins, former President of the European Commission
* Reginald Maudling (1955, 1957, 1966, 1967, 1971, 1973), former Chancellor of the Exchequer
* Hugh Gaitskell (1954, 1955, 1958), former leader of the Labour Party (UK)
* William Waldegrave, Baron Waldegrave of North Hill
* John Smith (UK politician), former leader of the British Labour Party
* William Rodgers, Baron Rodgers of Quarry Bank (1974)
* Clement Davies (1954, 1955, 1957), former leader of the Liberal Party (UK)
* Jo Grimond (1958, 1966), former leader of the Liberal Party (UK)
* Jeremy Thorpe, former leader of the Liberal Party (UK)
* David Steel, former leader of the Liberal Party (UK)
* David Hannay, Baron Hannay of Chiswick
* Geoffrey Rippon (1974)
* David Ormsby-Gore, 5th Baron Harlech (1958, 1966), former British Ambassador to the United States
* Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma (1965, 1966)
* Christopher Price (UK politician), former Labour Party (UK) Member of Parliament, former member of the European Parliament
* Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 7th Marquess of Salisbury
* Michael Stewart, Baron Stewart of Fulham (1964, 1966)
* George Thomson, Baron Thomson of Monifieth (1971)
* Quintin Hogg, Baron Hailsham of St Marylebone (1967)
* George Brown, Baron George-Brown (1966)
* Enoch Powell (1968)
* Kenneth Younger (1966)
* John Horam (1975)
* John Nott (1977)
* Edmund Dell (1978)
* Keith Joseph (1977)
* Rodric Braithwaite
* Frederic Bennett (1963, 1964, 1966-1968, 1971, 1973-1975, 1977)
* John Keegan, British military historian
* John Monks, former General Secretary of the Trades Union Congress
* Charles Forte, Baron Forte (1977)
* Sir Patrick Sheehy Professor of International Relations
* Giles Radice, Baron Radice
* Philip Gould, Baron Gould of Brookwood
* Gareth Williams, Baron Williams of Mostyn
* Pauline Neville-Jones, Baroness Neville-Jones
* Rodney Elton, 2nd Baron Elton (1977)
* Harold Lever, Baron Lever of Manchester (1977, 1985)
* John Baring, 7th Baron Ashburton (1980), former Chairman of British Petroleum
* David Young, Baron Young of Graffham (1985)
* John Sainsbury, Baron Sainsbury of Preston Candover
* William Rees-Mogg (1993)
* George Weidenfeld
* Roy Hattersley (1985)
* Norman Tebbit (1985)
* Richard Dearlove (2007), former head of MI6
* Eric Roll (1964, 1966, 1967, 1973-1975, 1977) (Bilderberg Steering Committee)[15], Department of Economic Affairs, 1964, later Bilderberg Group Chairman
* John Kerr, Baron Kerr of Kinlochard (2008), member of the House of Lords, Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell
* Egon Bahr (1968, 1971, 1982, 1987), German Minister, creator of the Ostpolitik
* Rainer Barzel (1966), former German opposition leader
* Kurt Biedenkopf (1992), former Prime Minister of Saxony
* Max Brauer (1954, 1955, 1958, 1963, 1964, 1966), former Mayor of Hamburg
* Birgit Breuel (1973, 1979, 1980, 1991, 1992, 1994), chairwoman of Treuhandanstalt
* Andreas von Bülow (1978), former Minister of Research of Germany
* Karl Carstens (1971), former President of Germany
* Klaus von Dohnanyi (1975, 1977), former Mayor of Hamburg
* Ursula Engelen-Kefer (1998), former chairwoman of the German Confederation of Trade Unions
* Björn Engholm (1991), former Prime Minister of Schleswig-Holstein
* Ludwig Erhard (1966), former Chancellor of Germany
* Fritz Erler (1955, 1957, 1958, 1963, 1964, 1966), Socialist Member of Parliament
* Joschka Fischer (2008), former Minister of Foreign Affairs (Germany)
* Herbert Giersch (1975)
* Helmut Haussmann (1979, 1980, 1990, 1996), former Minister of Economics of Germany
* Wolfgang Ischinger (1998, 2002, 2008), former German Ambassador to Washington
* Helmut Kohl, former Chancellor of Germany
* Walter Leisler Kiep (1974, 1975, 1977, 1980), former Treasurer of the Christian Democratic Union (Germany)
* Kurt Georg Kiesinger (1955, 1957, 1966), former Chancellor of Germany
* Otto Graf Lambsdorff (1980, 1983, 1984), former Minister of Economics of Germany
* Karl Lamers (1995), Member of the German Bundestag
* Angela Merkel (2005), current Chancellor of Germany
* Siegmar Mosdorf (2001), Secretary of State for Economics in Germany
* Alfred Müller-Armack (1966), Secretary of State for Economics in Germany
* Volker Perthes (2008), Director, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik
* Friedbert Pflüger (2005, 2006), Member of the German Bundestag
* Ruprecht Polenz (2002)
* Volker Rühe (1983, 1991-1994), former Defense Minister of Germany
* Rudolf Scharping, former Defense Minister of Germany
* Wolfgang Schäuble (2003), current Minister of Internal Affairs of Germany
* Walter Scheel, former President of Germany
* Karl Schiller (1966), former Finance Minister of Germany
* Otto Schily (2003-2006), former Minister of Internal Affairs of Germany
* Carlo Schmid (1955, 1958, 1963, 1964, 1966), former Vice President of the Federal Parliament
* Helmut Schmidt (1966, 1967, 1973, 1974, 1977), former Chancellor of Germany
* Gerhard Schröder (CDU) (1971, 1974), former Minister of Foreign Affairs (Germany), former Minister of Defence (Germany)
* Gerhard Stoltenberg (1966), former Minister of Germany and Prime Minister of Schleswig-Holstein
* Franz Josef Strauß (1963, 1966), former Minister of Germany and Prime Minister of Bavaria
* Lothar Späth (1993), former Prime Minister of Baden-Wurttemberg
* Erwin Teufel (1991), former Prime Minister of Baden-Wurttemberg
* Henning Voscherau (1996), former Mayor of Hamburg
* Richard von Weizsäcker (1978), former President of Germany
* Guido Westerwelle (2007), leader of the Free Democratic Party of Germany
* Hans-Jürgen Wischnewski (1971, 1973, 1974, 1978), former Secretary of State in the Chancellor's Office of Germany
* Matthias Wissmann (1998, 2004, 2005), former Minister of Research of Germany
* Otto von Habsburg, Archduke and Crown Prince of Austria
* Alfred Gusenbauer, current Chancellor of Austria
* Franz Vranitzky (1975), former Austrian Chancellor
* Bruno Kreisky, former Austrian Chancellor
* Martin Bartenstein, Austrian Minister for Economy and Labour
* Flavio Cotti (1994-1997), former President of the Swiss Confederation
* Pascal Couchepin (2001, 2002, 2004, 2005), current President of the Swiss Confederation
* Jean-Pascal Delamuraz (1995), former President of the Swiss Confederation
* Max Petitpierre (1963, 1966), former President of the Swiss Confederation
* Sigmund Widmer (1975), former Mayor of Zürich
* Denis de Rougemont (1954, 1955, 1966)
* Valéry Giscard d'Estaing (1968), former President of the French Republic
* Lionel Jospin, former Prime Minister of France
* Georges Pompidou (1966), former President of the French Republic
* Dominique de Villepin (2003), former Prime Minister of France
* Laurent Fabius, former Prime Minister of France
* Michel Rocard, former Prime Minister of France
* Pierre Bérégovoy, former Prime Minister of France
* Edgar Faure (1974), former Prime Minister of France
* René Pleven (1963, 1966), former Prime Minister of France
* Pierre Mendes-France (1968), former Prime Minister of France
* Antoine Pinay (1954, 1955, 1963, 1964, 1966), former Prime Minister of France
* Jean-Bernard Raimond, former French Foreign Minister
* Jean Francois-Poncet (1985), former French Foreign Minister
* Michel Barnier (2007), former French Foreign Minister
* Hubert Védrine (2008), former French Foreign Minister
* Bernard Kouchner (2005), current Minister of Foreign Affairs (France)
* Manuel Valls (2008), French Member of Parliament
* Jean-Pierre Jouyet (2008), French Minister of European Affairs
* Jacques Attali (1975), French economist and scholar and former presidential adviser of France's socialist government
* Gaston Defferre (1964, 1966), former Mayor of Marseille
* Gérard Fréderic LeBlond (2008), former President of La Foundation de Edward-Laurent
* Maurice Herzog (1974), former Mayor of Chamonix
* Guy Mollet (1954, 1955, 1957, 1963, 1966), former Socialist Prime Minister of France
* Paul Van Zeeland (1955-1958, 1966), former Prime Minister of Belgium
* Leo Tindemans, former Prime Minister of Belgium
* Wilfried Martens, former Prime Minister of Belgium
* Jean-Luc Dehaene, former Prime Minister of Belgium
* Jan-Peter Balkenende (2008), current Prime Minister of the Netherlands, 2002 - present
* Ruud Lubbers, former Prime Minister of the Netherlands, 1982 - 1994
* Wim Kok, former Prime Minister of the Netherlands, 1994 - 2002
* Barend Biesheuvel (1968), former Prime Minister of the Netherlands, 1971 - 1973
* Jelle Zijlstra (1966, 1975), former Prime Minister of the Netherlands, 1996 - 1967
* Laurens-Jan Brinkhorst (1974), former Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs
* Max van der Stoel, former Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1973 - 1977, 1981 - 1982
* Jozias van Aartsen, former Dutch Minister of Agriculture, 1994 - 1998, former Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1998 - 2002
* Maxime Verhagen (2006, 2008), current Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs, 2007 - present
* Frank Heemskerk (2007), Dutch Minister of Foreign Trade
* Frans Timmermans (2008), Dutch Minister of European Affairs
* Klaas de Vries (2003), Dutch Member of Parliament
* Ivo Samkalden (1963, 1966), former Mayor of Amsterdam
* Harold Goddijn (2008), CEO of TomTom
* Francesco Cossiga (1977), former President of the Italian Republic
* Amintore Fanfani (1955, 1956, 1966), former Italian Prime Minister
* Alcide de Gasperi (1954), former Italian Prime Minister
* Claudio Martelli, former Italian Minister of Justice
* Gianni De Michelis, former Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs
* Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa (2008), former Italian Minister of Economy and Finance
* Romano Prodi (Steering Committee Member of Bilderberg in the 1980s), former Italian Prime Minister and former President of the European Commission
* Virginio Rognoni (1982), former Italian Minister of Defense
* Mariano Rumor (1966), former Italian Prime Minister
* Domenico Siniscalco, former Italian Minister of Economy and Finance
* Giulio Tremonti, current Italian Minister of Economy and Finance
* Walter Veltroni (1996), former Mayor of Rome
* Kostas Karamanlis (1998), current Prime Minister of Greece
* Constantine Mitsotakis (1993), former Prime Minister of Greece
* Georgios Alogoskoufis (2008), current Minister for Economy and Finance (Greece)
* Dora Bakoyannis (2003), current Minister for Foreign Affairs (Greece), former Mayor of Athens
* Anna Diamantopoulou (2008), Member of Parliament in Greece and former EU Commissioner
* George Andreas Papandreou, former Minister for Foreign Affairs (Greece), President of the Socialist International
* Gerasimos Arsenis, former Minister of Defense of Greece
* Stefanos Manos (2001), Greek politician
* Süleyman Demirel (1975), former Prime Minister of Turkey
* Bülent Ecevit (1975), former Prime Minister of Turkey
* Adnan Menderes (1956), former Prime Minister of Turkey
* Mesut Yilmaz, former Prime Minister of Turkey
* Selim Sarper (1966), former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey
* İsmail Cem (1998), former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey
* Hikmet Çetin (2007), former Minister of Foreign Affairs and former leader of the Republican People's Party (CHP)
* Emre Gönensay (2007), former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey
* Ali Babacan (2007, 2008), current Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey
* Anatoly Chubais (1998), Russian politician
* Grigory Alexeyevich Yavlinsky, Russian politician
* Ivan Mikloš, former Deputy Prime Minister of Slovakia
Czech Republic
* Karel Schwarzenberg (2008), Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs
* Jiří Pehe (2001), Director, New York University in Prague; former advisor to President Václav Havel
* Michael Žantovský (1999), Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and Secutiry, Czech Senate, presently Czech Ambassador in Israel
* Karel Kovanda (1998), Head of Mission of the Czech Republic to NATO and the WEU, presently Deputy Director General responsible for CFSP, Multilateral Relations and North America, East Asia, Australia, New Zealand, EEA, EFTA
* Joseph Retinger (1954-1960), founder of Bilderberg Group
* Hanna Suchocka (1998), first woman prime minister of Poland
* Andrzej Olechowski (2003), Leader, Civic Platform
* Aleksander Kwasniewski (2008), former President of Poland
* János Martonyi (2008), former Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Professor of International Trade Law, Partner, Baker & McKenzie
* Natan Sharansky (2005)
* Mahmood Sariolghalam (2006)
* Ahmed Chalabi (2006)
New Zealand
* Thomas Clifton Webb (1955)
EU Commissioners
European Union Commissioners who have attended include:
* Joaquin Almunia (2008), European Commissioner for Economic & Financial Affairs
* José Manuel Barroso, current President of the European Commission
* Ritt Bjerregaard (1995), Lord Mayor of Copenhagen and former European Commissioner for Environment, Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection[9]
* Frederik Bolkestein (2003)[17], former European Commissioner
* Emma Bonino (1998)
* Leon Brittan (1998)
* Hans van den Broek (1995)[9], former European Commissioner
* David Byrne (politician), former European Commissioner
* Étienne Davignon (1974, 1977), Bilderberg conference chairman in 2005
* Jacques Delors, former President of the European Commission
* Franz Fischler, former European Commissioner
* Neelie Kroes (2005 - 2008), present Commissioner for Competition
* Pascal Lamy (2003)[17]
* Erkki Liikanen
* Peter Mandelson (1999[18])
* Charlie McCreevy (2008), European Commissioner
* Karel Van Miert, former European Commissioner
* Mario Monti (1996, 2003[17]) ,former and/or present member of the Bilderberg Steering Committee[9]
* Lord Patten of Barnes
* Andris Piebalgs, European Commissioner for Energy
* Romano Prodi, Steering Committee Member of Bilderberg in the 1980s
* Olli Rehn, European Commissioner for Enlargement
* Jacques Santer, former President of the European Commission
* Henri Simonet (1971, 1975, 1977), former Vice Chairman of the European Commission
* Javier Solana, High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and the Secretary-General of both the Council of the European Union (EU) and the Western European Union (WEU)
* Pedro Solbes
* Günter Verheugen
* António Vitorino
UN, WTO, NATO and other International Organizations
* Josette Sheeran (2007), Executive Director of United Nations World Food Programme
* Kurt Waldheim, former United Nations Secretary-General
* Kemal Derviş, current United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Administrator
* Ad Melkert, current UNDP Associate Administrator
* Thorvald Stoltenberg (1973), former United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
* Knut Vollebćk (2008), OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
* Mike Moore, former Director-General of the World Trade Organization
* Renato Ruggiero, former Director-General of the World Trade Organization
* Jaap de Hoop Scheffer (2008), current Secretary General of NATO
* George Robertson, Baron Robertson of Port Ellen, former Secretary General of NATO[9]
* Willy Claes, former Secretary General of NATO
* Manfred Wörner (1991), former Secretary General of NATO
* Joseph Luns (1964, 1966-1968, 1971, 1973-1975, 1977), former Secretary General of NATO
* Manlio Brosio (1965-1967), former Secretary General of NATO
* Dirk Stikker (1964, 1966), former Secretary General of NATO
* Paul-Henri Spaak (1963, 1966), former Secretary General of NATO
* Hastings Ismay, 1st Baron Ismay (1955), former Secretary General of NATO
* Terence Airey (1955, 1966), Military Governor of Trieste
* Colin Gubbins (1955, 1957, 1958, 1963, 1964, 1966), head of the British SOE[19]
* Hans Speidel (1964, 1966), former World War II and Cold War general
Financial institutions
* Hermann Josef Abs (1958, 1966), former Chairman of Deutsche Bank
* Josef Ackermann (2005, 2008), CEO of Deutsche Bank
* Ben S. Bernanke (2008), current Chairman of the Federal Reserve
* Michel Camdessus, former IMF Managing Director
* Guido Carli (1958, 1965, 1966, 1975, 1977), former Governor of the Banca d'Italia
* Tim Collins (financier) (2008), founder, Chief Executive Officer of Ripplewood Holdings LLC
* E. Gerald Corrigan, former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, current Goldman Sachs Managing Director
* Mario Draghi (2004, 2008), current Governor of the Banca d'Italia
* Wim Duisenberg (1977), former President of the European Central Bank
* Otmar Emminger (1966), former President of the Deutsche Bundesbank
* Timothy F. Geithner (2008), current President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
* Dermot Gleeson (2008), Chairman of Allied Irish Banks
* Alan Greenspan (2002), former Chairman of the Federal Reserve
* Alfred Herrhausen, German banker, former Chairman of Deutsche Bank
* Kenneth Jacobs (2008), Deputy Chairman, Lazard Frčres & Co. LLC
* James A. Johnson (businessman) (2008), Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC
* Mervyn A. King, current Governor of the Bank Of England
* Hilmar Kopper (1991, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1998-2003, 2005) , former CEO of Deutsche Bank
* Alexandre Lamfalussy
* Thomas S. Lamont (1957), former Vice Chairman, Morgan Guaranty Trust
* Jacques de Larosičre, former Governor of the Banque de France
* William J McDonough (1997)[3], former President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
* Tom McKillop (2008), Chairman, The Royal Bank of Scotland Group
* Karl Otto Pöhl (1991), former President of the Deutsche Bundesbank
* Jürgen Ponto (1975), German banker, former Chairman of Dresdner Bank
* Rodrigo Rato, former IMF Managing Director
* Gordon Richardson (1966, 1975)[20], former Governor of the Bank of England
* David Rockefeller, CEO of Chase Manhattan Bank
* Emma Rothschild (1995)
* Sir Evelyn de Rothschild (1998)
* Guy de Rothschild (1974)
* Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild
* Lynn Forester de Rothschild (1998)
* Rudolf Scholten (1992, 1999-2001, 2003-2008), CEO of Oesterreichische Kontrollbank
* George Soros (1994, 1996, 2000, 2002)
* Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and member of the social-democrat Socialist Party of France
* Jean-Claude Trichet (2008), current President of the European Central Bank
* Paul Volcker (1997)[3], former Chairman of the Federal Reserve
* Marcus Wallenberg, current Chairman of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, former CEO of Investor AB
* Jacob Wallenberg (2008), current Chairman of Investor AB, former Chairman of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken
* Siegmund Warburg (1966, 1977), founder of S. G. Warburg & Co.
* Eric Warburg (1957), founder of Warburg Pincus
* James Wolfensohn (2004, 2008), former President of the World Bank Group
Major corporations
* Giovanni Agnelli (1958, 1963, 1964, 1966-1968, 1973-1975, 1977), former CEO of Fiat
* Otto Wolff von Amerongen (1955, 1957, 1958, 1963, 1964, 1966-1968, 1971, 1973-1975, 1977-1980, 1982-2001), CEO of Otto Wolff Group (today: Part of ThyssenKrupp)
* Dwayne Andreas, Chairman and CEO of Archer Daniels Midland
* Percy Barnevik (1997[3], 2001), former CEO of ASEA
* Anders Björgerd (1973, 1982), former deputy CEO of Sydkraft AB
* Lloyd Blankfein (2007), CEO of Goldman Sachs
* Ian Bremmer (2007), President of Eurasia Group
* Lord Browne of Madingley (1997[3], 2004), Chief Executive BP
* Gerhard Cromme (2000), former CEO and Chairman of ThyssenKrupp
* Paul Desmarais
* Paul Desmarais, Jr. (2006, 2008), Chairman and co-CEO of Power Corporation of Canada
* John Elkann (2008), vice chairman of Fiat and the Agnelli Group investment company IFIL
* Louis V. Gerstner, former Chairman of IBM, current Chairman of The Carlyle Group
* Maurice R. Greenberg, former Chairman and CEO of American International Group
* H. J. Heinz II (1954)[8], CEO of H. J. Heinz Company
* Paul Hermelin (2007), CEO of Capgemini
* Daniel Janssen (1971, 1973-1975, 1977), former Chairman of the Executive Committee, Solvay (company), former vice president of the board, Union Chimique Belge, member of the European Round Table of Industrialists, member of Trilateral Commission executive committee
* James Kimsey (2006), co-founder, CEO, and first chairman of America Online (AOL)
* Andrew Knight, Director of News Corporation, 1991-present, CEO of News International, 1900-1994, CEO and Editor-in-Chief The Daily Telegraph Group, Editor of The Economist, 1974-1984
* Klaus Kleinfeld (2008), CEO of Siemens AG
* Rahmi Koç, Turkish business tycoon
* Idar Kreutzer (2007), CEO of Storebrand
* Craig Mundie (2008), chief research and strategy officer at Microsoft
* Egil Myklebust (2006, 2008), Chairman of the Board of SAS Group
* Stavros Niarchos (1967, 1968), Greek shipping tycoon
* Harald Norvik (2006), former CEO of Statoil
* Jorma Ollila (1997[3], 2005, 2008), Chairman of Royal Dutch Shell and Nokia Corporation
* Eivind Reiten, former CEO of Norsk Hydro
* Eric E. Schmidt (2007, 2008), Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Google
* Jürgen E. Schrempp (1994-1996, 1997[3], 1998, 1999, 2001-2005, 2006, 2007), former CEO of DaimlerChrysler
* Ekkehard Schulz (2002, 2005, 2006), CEO of ThyssenKrupp
* Peter Sutherland (1997[3], 2005), former Chairman of BP
* Sidney Taurel (2007), Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Eli Lilly
* Martin Taylor (1993-1996, 1997)[3], former CEO, Barclays
* Peter A. Thiel (2007, 2008), Co-Founder, PayPal
* Daniel Vasella (2005, 2008), Chairman and CEO of Novartis
* Jürgen Weber (2004), Chairman of Lufthansa Airline
* Klaus Zumwinkel (2002-2006), former CEO of Deutsche Post AG
University, institute and other academic
* Heather Munroe-Blum, Principal and Vice-Chancellor, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
* Marie-Josée Kravis (2008), Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
* C. Fred Bergsten (1971, 1974, 1997)[3], President, Peterson Institute
* Victor Halberstadt (1975, 1977, 2008), Professor of Economics, Leiden University, Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings, Netherlands
* Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum
* Laurence Parisot (2007), Head of French MEDEF
* Marshall McLuhan, Canadian Professor of English literature, literary critic, and communications theorist
* Michael Boskin (1991), Professor of Economics and Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution
* William Kristol (1995), co-founder of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), member of the American Enterprise Institute, the Manhattan Institute and the Ethics and Public Policy Center
* Graham Allison (1970, 1971, 1974), Harvard political scientist and leading analyst of U.S. national security and defense policy with a special interest in nuclear weapons and terrorism
* Eberhard Sandschneider (2004), political scientist, Director of the Research Institute of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für auswärtige Politik, expert on China
* Fouad Ajami (2008), Director, Middle East Studies Program, The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University
* Barnett Rubin (2008), Director of Studies and Senior Fellow, Center for International Cooperation, New York University
* Chester A. Crocker (2008), James R. Schlesinger Professor of Strategic Studies
* Martha Farah (2008), Director, Center for Cognitive Neuroscience; Walter H. Annenberg Professor in the Natural Sciences, University of Pennsylvania
* Roger Martin (2008), Dean, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto
* Aurelio Peccei (1963, 1964, 1966-1968), founder of the Club of Rome
* Lester Thurow (1977), Professor of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School, former Dean, MIT Sloan School of Management
* Paul Samuelson (1970), American Economist, Professor of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
* Andrew W. Cordier (1970), former President of [[Columbia University]
* Eduardo Alberto Doryan (2006), chief economic adviser for La Nacion
* Michael Barone (pundit) (2007), journalist
* John G. Bernander, former head of the Norwegian national broadcaster NRK
* Lord Black of Crossharbour (1997)[3],Telegraph Chairman
* Oscar Bronner (2005-2007, 2008), Editor of the Austrian newspaper Der Standard
* William F. Buckley, Jr. (1975, 1996), founder of National Review and former host of Firing Line
* Hubert Burda (1997, 1998, 2001, 2003, 2005-2007), Owner and CEO of Hubert Burda Media
* Phillip Crawley (2006), Globe and Mail Publisher
* Mathias Döpfner (2005-2007), CEO of Axel Springer AG, editing amongst others Die Welt and Bild
* Esther Dyson (2007), commentator on emerging digital technology
* Donald E. Graham (2008), Chairman of the Board of The Washington Post Company
* Josef Joffe (1993, 2006), Publisher of Die Zeit
* Rupert Murdoch (1982, 1988)
* Christine Ockrent (2007, 2008), former first anchor of the 8pm news on the Antenne 2 French TV channel
* George Stephanopoulos (1996, 1997[3]), ABC News's Chief Washington Correspondent, host of ABC's This Week, senior political adviser to the 1992 U.S. presidential campaign of Bill Clinton and former communications director for Clinton.
* Arthur Hays Sulzberger (1956, 1957, 1966)
* Mortimer Zuckerman (1994), publisher/owner of the New York Daily News, current Editor-in-Chief of U.S. News & World Report
I Thess 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape
. 4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.
6 Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.
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