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The Merovingian House
- Shortly after the death of Prophet Muhammad (June 8, 632), on August 26, 636 Byzantine fell before the Muslim armies at the battle of Yarmouk and all of Syria was taken over to the Taurus.
- In February 637, the Persian army was devastated at Qadasiya, just south of Hira. All of Iraq was occupied by the armies of the Muslim Ummah, including Ctesiphon, its capital (just south of Baghdad).
- In 640 Egypt was occupied by the Islamic Ummah; that same year the Persian Empire ceased to exist. In what remained of the Roman Christian Empire the Church was divided into two main bodies. The Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church was centered in Constantinople (now Istanbul in northwest Turkey), and the Roman Orthodox Catholic Church, remained centered in Rome. Both of these religious bodies (the Nicean Roman and Eastern Orthodox Churches) can trace their origins to Emperor Constantine by whose authority modern Christianity and its essential doctrines were established.
- Between 661 and 750 CE the armies of the Islamic Ummah conquered a large portion of the known world, China excepted. Determined that Allah's Shariah (laws) were to be observed everywhere on earth, the forces of Islam flowed into Europe with seemingly unstoppable force.
- The expansion of the religion-based kingdom of Mohammed Mustafa was finally halted in 732 at Tours in central France, by the "stout hearted army of Franks' and their leader Charles Martel" (grandfather of Charlemagne). This is the origin of Merovingian Dynasty.
- Charles "The Hammer" Martel" ("Carolus Martellus," ca. 688 � 22 October 741) was directly associated with the Merovingian House from which many of us are convinced the soon coming Illuminati Rex Mundi (the Illumined Global Ruler) will soon arise. The Merovingian House is the true rulers of the planet and have held this position for a very long time.
The Early Merovingian World
- Merovech (Meroveus or Merovius in Latin and Mérovée in French) founded the Salian Frankish Merovingian dynasty. According to tradition, Merovech was born of a sea god (his mother was raped by a "bestea Neptuni Quinotauri similis;" mero is the root of "mermaid"). This beast is known as a Quinotaur, which is to say, a five-horned sea bull.
- Merovech's son Childeric I (who reigned c.457�481) brought the House to prominence with his defeat of the Visigoths, Saxons, and Alemanni. The family name was latinized and harmonized with the Old High German proper name Marwig, which means "famed fighter." The Merovingian House is the principle seat of global Luciferian power on the earth. Consider that the Hebrew word 'Satan' (ha Satan) and the Arabic "shaitan" both stem from the Northwest Semitic root "śṭn" meaning "to be hostile" or "to accuse." It is through the House of Merovech that Lucifer carries out his accusations against humanity.
- The Merovingian bloodline is the royal lineage of most European royal families and many American political and financial movers and shakers as well.
- The Bavarian Illuminati, the Bilderberg Group, the CFR, the Federal Reserve and so on all serve the pleasure of the Merovingian Elite. All the world serves their goals and soon they will announce the implementation of their Novus Ordo Seclorum.
- The Merovingian House has wrestled with the Islamic Ummah for a very long time and are now once again seeking to conquer and control Islam in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and so on.
- This vitally important Battle of Tours in 732 that brought the Merovingians to power determined the religious and political future of Europe, the U.S. and the world. Because of Martel's defeat of political Islam and the subsequent globalization of their influence within and without the Roman and Vatican offshoot Churches, the West was given into the hands of Nicean Christianity and, moreover, to the Merovingian financial House. This transition lead to Black Friday the 13th. Much of the East remained the domain of Islam. For clarity, political Islam is the "Ummah" and religious Islam is the "Deen" of Islam.
- From the Battle of Tours until the present time, Nicean Christianity has remained the indisputable religious, social and legal authority in Western society.
- There were conflicts however as both the traditional powers of Rome and the Merovingian Elite competed to control Nicean Christianity for their own ends. This struggle is seen in the Anglican and Protestant Reformations as well as in much of the infighting within the Roman Church itself, especially as it pertained to the Roman and French factions within the Church.
- As we now approach the end of the age these factions are preparing to combine their forces according to the prophets into a global religious system headed by the man who the prophets refer to as the False Prophet. This global religious union will be known as Babylon the Great. The struggle for control of western religion is therefore religious, political, cultural and economic.
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