In early 2001, I visited a local Muslim masjid and "reverted" to Islam. My quest for Truth would continue as Muhammad Yahya Saleem.
Our local Wahabi community accepted me completely. I spent many hours with Imam Burhaan (below to the right) and other members and regional leaders. When their child Usama was born, Andrea and I got to know Burhaan and his wife even better. I was soon invited to attend Bay Area strategy meetings and quickly gained ever more access into the local community where I came to know a number of these folks rather well.
But then, a few months later came the 9-11 attacks, great timing on my part as usual! Talking with people, I soon realized that despite the public face put on these attacks and similar ones, most of the Muslims I knew considered the attacks to be a great victory for Islam, the standing up the victims of US tyranny. My Imam and his family left the US a few days after 9-11 and so I lost a great source of information. The new imam was Egyptian and publicly supported the attacks. Prior to the attacks, I had been offered the opportunity to travel to Pakistan and attend one of their schools; it was an offer I was still seriously considering on September 11 of that fateful year. Had I gone, I'd probably be sitting in a federal prison somewhere being tortured!
The more I studied the Al Hadith and the Qur'an, and the more I spoke with other devout Muslims, the clearer it became. Despite the public facade being placed on Islam as a religion of peace and tolerance, the aim of the leaders of both major branches of Islam is the same. Islam means surrender, obedience to Allah. Those who refuse to submit to Islam are the enemies of God. Those who attack the people of Islam are the enemies of God. Since the growing US imperialism is clearly at odds with Islam, global conversion and domination and the establishment of a global Sharia-based Muslim Ummah is a logical response. It is often stated that Islam means "peace," and that is true. But it only means peace for those who submit (the primary meaning of the term) to the authority of Allah Subhana Waa Ta Alla
While I understand this, and in some ways agree with it, I could not accept it. The question I asked myself was this: "If Islam is successful, if a global Muslim Ummah emerges as a political reality, would I wish to live in this world. The answer was no. Nonetheless, while I did not see the attacks specifically, the rise and spreading of Islam is something I saw in my vision.
When the biblical prophecies are considered, a future I believe is now emerging, one can not help but acknowledge the absence of the United States. I sincerely believe we will soon understand why this is the case, if we survive. I am no longer involved with any masjid or with Islam.
In 2004 I moved to Northern California hoping to live somewhat as a recluse. But the best laid plans of mice and men...
I became deeply involved with Judaism and even became an ordained rabbi. We moved to Georgia... More to come.... (always).
For lack of a better name I refer to my beliefs as AllFaith. Those beliefs are described here in general terms.
My quest and my story goes on and I continue reaching for the One.
What a short strange trip its been!