More About Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Myra
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While the origin of the term "Nicolaitan" is uncertain and doubtless was in use prior to the days of the historic Nicholas of Myra (270 – December 6, 346), this Catholic father is the very embodiment of its concepts and hence worth briefly considering here.
"Nicholas the Wonder Worker" as he was also known, was born in Parara, Turkey in 270 CE and died December 5th or 6th, 346. He was said to be a very kind and generous man who often left secreted gifts for the poor (especially children) with the aid of semi-mystical companions like Zwarte Piet (described as "a black skinned servant"), Knecht Ruprecht ("a bearded farm hand"), Krampus ("an incubus-like horned creature"), der Wilde Mann ("an unhorned incubus known simply as "the wild man") and a host of other non-biblical Pagan characters. These surviving beliefs testify to the truth that older Pagan and Heathen traditions were incorporated into the story of Saint Nick early on. The myths surrounding Saint Nick are repositories of the older Pagan gods. Nicholas himself was no saint as we will see!
According to tradition the people in his area left their shoes out on their porches and Nicholas would often leave coins in them. This is the origin of Santa, the Christmas stockings and his gifts for good boys and girls. The claim that he has a list and checks it twice was no idyll threat to expectant hungry children!
Nicholas of Myra and Goddess Pasqua Epiphania
"Saint" Nicholas with the Three Boys in the Pickling Tub,
South Netherlandish, ca. 1500. -- Metropolitan Museum of ArtUpon becoming Bishop of Myra (now part of Turkey) Old Saint Nick relocated to Myra, the holy city of "Grandmother" (i.e. High Goddess Pasqua Epiphania). There he took up residency in her temple. Here's one of the famous accounts of his "wonders" there:
Once a wealthy merchant or mage from the East sent his three sons to Myra to see "His Reverence, Nicholas the Arch Bishop." The young men entered Myra at dusk and took a room in the inn.The name Nicholas means "ascendency of humanity." Its shortened form, Nick, Neck, Nikke, or Nokke is related to (and doubtless derives from) the Dutch word nikken or devil (related to the water spirits referenced previously). The word nikken is related to (and stems from) the Anglo-Saxon Nicaean meaning "to slay." This is the true purpose of the Nicolaitan dogma: That humanity should 'ascend' by slaying and consuming its deities. Examples of this are seen in the Gingerbread Man and other forms of Transubstantiation. Is it any wonder the Church concretized their power in the city of Nicaea (Nicea)!
Noting their obvious wealth and breeding the innkeeper crept up to their room around midnight and stole their belongings. Lest he be caught he decided to murder the three young men, which he did. He hauled their bodies into the cellar, dismembered them and tossed them into a large pork pickling-tub. Thinking to profit from their deaths as well, their remains were mixed with the pork to be sold as food and shipped away across the Adriatic to Slovenia, Croatia and points beyond.
Nicholas of Myra was no ordinary priest however and he knew what had been done! In the morning he donned his pontifical vestments and confronted the innkeeper with his crime.
Having been discovered, the innkeeper fell to his knees and confessed his crime, begging forgiveness. What became of the innkeeper is debated. There is a less commonly known continuation of this well known tale!:
After absolving the innkeeper of his sins, Old Nick went into the cellar to the tub and waved his wonder working hands over its contents. At his 'Word of Power' the bodies of the three young men reassembled! They came back to life hole and fit and worshipped Old Nick. He accepted their worship but told them to be discreet about it.Lessons From Nicholas with the Three Boys in the Pickling Tub
First understand that Catholics are no more nor less "Christian" than the rest of Christendom. These monstrous mysteries were never revealed to the masses. With this understanding, consider the following points from the tale of Nicholas and the Three Boys in the Pickling Tub.
- The wealthy man from the east (like the Gospel's wise men from the east sent to see Y'shua as a child) can be understood as representative of the counsel of the Roman gods. This is based on the view that organized religion devours both the soul and the body of the laity. The ancient Pagan principle is present: Ex Lux Orient: Truth Comes from the East. That this is in fact what the story intends to teach to 'those who have eyes to see' is further supported by the point that Heylel or Lucifer is known as the Eastern or Day Star who rules that direction. As Lucius or Dagon, Old Nick is the god of the Nicolaitans and he illumines the Illuminati from the east or Eastern Star.
- The "three sons" sent forth from this Eastern Counsel can be understood as the Christian Trinity being ordered to appear before "Old Nick," their Father (such a view would be harmonious with Ba'al, Zoroastrian, Magianism and other then accepted cosmologies). All of the gods are subject to Dagon or Old Nick.
- In the minds of the Nicolaitans, the three sons also represent those who have inherited biblical truth from Abraham: Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad. These three (and the movements they began) are to be stripped of their belongings and thrown into the pork tub to be eaten by the masses ("eat the rich").
- Although they are wealthy and successful they have been found unfit to continue. The merchant did what was needed and Old Nick decided that they must undergo a process of Nicolaitan Disambiguation. In other words, their beliefs and teachings were thrown into the 'pickling tub' along with other 'failed' belief systems of the Empire in order to create the new Universal Control Method. All of the previous systems, the biblical, the diverse Pagan and Heathen, the Gnostic and so on were all mixed together, like mixing pork (anti-Torah, falsity) with human flesh (Torah/truth). The hybrid remains were then sold to the public for consumption as the Nicolaitan religion under Roman authority.
- As the Nicolaitan Trinity arises from the putrid water of the tub (another significant Pagan implication here as well as a bastardized reference to the Jewish mikveh) they leave or emerge from the "pork" (an insulting reference to Judaism) elements and are deemed worthy by Old Nick to serve as representatives of his Nicolaitan/Bavarian hierarchy to further its goals.
I discuss Mr. and Mrs. Claus (Pasqua Epiphania), Saturnalia (Christmas Day), Mistletoe, Ginger Bread Men, Transubstantiation, Christmas trees and other related topics in my Christmas: The Mother of all Pagan Holidays study.
Nicolaitan elements within the Nicean Church developed Santa's public facade to honor elder member, Saint (Santa) Nicholas (even though Nicholas was not formally declared a saint until the 19th century). There is evidence suggesting than many of Nicholas' followers considered him to be a divine incarnation. Santa was developed as an iconographic tool, a way to appease the peasants and assure their continued obedience to the Mother Church as well encourage their tacit adoration of Old Nick and the Nicolaitan gods.
As the Catholic Church was absorbing the various religions of the Empire into its universal structure they sought to create a religion that had enough elements of the diverse systems to be acceptable to as many people as possible. By incorporating these images and traditions many Northern Europeans came into the Universal Church without abandoning their previous beliefs and traditions.
While Old Nick's demonic companions are largely unknown in US Christmas stories, they are still widely honored and feared in the Netherlands and elsewhere in Europe as nature-spirit assistants to Sinterklaas (Santa Claus).
Sinterklaas' name comes from the Dutch word sinter (cinder) and offers a hint of Old Nick's true identity. He emerges from the sinter or cinders of the mythical regions of Hades, Hell, along with his demonic assistants. Just enough goodness was added to the myths to be acceptable to the unilluminated, but the truth lies just under the surface for all to see if they dare. The real Nicholas was not the jolly saint the Church claimed, but rather a determined Nicolaitan co-conspirator intent on destroying the last vestiges of the Jewish Way Movement and replacing it with the globalist worship of Heylel, Old Nick. Convincing the public of their own divinity (remember that the name Nicholas means "ascendency of humanity") under Nicolaitan authority was they key to a New World Order.
Understand that nothing about Christmas honors G-d nor the historic Jewish reformer Yeshua ben Miriam. Nothing found within the Nicolaitan dogmas honors G-d nor the historic Jewish reformer Yeshua ben Miriam. Members of these various churches are generally quite sincere about their Nicolaitan beliefs and the true G-d shows great compassion, but they are sincerely ill informed.
Nicholas, Nicaea and the Nicolaitan Heresy
There was much more to "Nicholas the Wonder worker" than a simple Catholic priest and lover of children!
Nicholas of Myra was also one of the senior bishops who convened the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE in order to establish the dogmas of the new Universal Church. Nicholas was instrumental in the editing, reworking and the eventual canonization of what is known today as the New Testament. He was also responsible for the willful destruction of the original manuscripts from which it was derived (or perhaps concealing them within the Vatican vaults). It is because of Nicholas and his Papal associates that we have no original New Testament documents to compare.
Saint Nick placed a huge lump of coal in the world's stocking!
And so it was that a high ranking member of the Nicean Counsel became the very embodiment of Old Nick (Heylel/Lucifer/Santa Claus) and the beloved benefactor of Christian children worldwide! Nicene Christian children by the billions the world over sit in Old Nick's lap asking him for favors rather than looking to HaShem! Is it any wonder that Santa Claus has become the real "reason for the season!" All the more so when one understands that there is no way Iēsoús was born in December!
Mother Mary and Goddess Pasqua Epiphania
Throughout this period there were heated debates regarding how to include the Pagan Mother Goddess in the New Religion. The Nicolaitans, wanting to appease the goddess worshipers of the Empire, sought to elevate Iēsoús' mother Mary as Goddess Pasqua Epiphania. At the counsel meetings they argued in favor of a triune godhead of Father, Mother, and Child. This was a very popular religious motif throughout the ancient world. The few remaining defenders of biblical doctrine responded by using their slight influence to block this idea. A compromise was finally struck in which Mary was declared Theotokos or "Mother of God." Christians would be allowed to view her with respect as Iēsoús' mother while the more illumined among them could directly worship her as Pasqua Epiphania even as the masses could worship "God the Father" of Iēsoús while the illuminated ones worshiped Old Nick. Either would be acceptable to the Vatican. For their trinity, the Bishops invented a new god to play the third role. They created the Holy Ghost as the third member of their trinity, even though making the biblical Ruach HaKodesh into a Being has no biblical support.
Today according to the Catholic Church Miriam has become a virtual goddess in her own right. She is officially described by the Church as "ever-virgin" -- meaning that she never had sexual intercourse throughout her entire life even though the New Testament directly says otherwise, as would Yeshua's brother James and their other siblings.
Miriam is said to be "immaculately conceived" -- i.e. born without the "original sin" passed down from Adam to all humans -- as taught by the Augustine's unbiblical doctrine of Original sin. Many non-Catholics misunderstand this concept. The belief is not that Mary was "virgin born" like her son according to the Catholic Church, but that God miraculously blocked the transmission of the natural sin nature from her so that she could in turn give birth to her sinless son. This idea is ancient within the Church but was defined as official dogma until 1854. It is likely (but not certain) that this notion of Mary's Immaculate Conception was the result of negotiations among the Bishops concerning Iēsoús' sinless conception. While the Church decided on a complete virgin birth for the him, Mary remain a question. The idea that God blocked the transmission of Augustine's original sin to Mary helped to avoid unpleasant questions, like how could a sinful mother have given birth to a child with no sin given Augustine's famous doctrine. Again, nothing in the Bible supports either these idea but that does not seem to matter to the "faithful."
Today the Catholic Mary is described as the co-mediatrix with Jesus. According to official Catholic dogma the G-d of the Bible has no role in the forgiveness of sins! It is not possible to receive salvation without going through "Mother Mary" and Her Divine Son. Nothing is said of the "Father." Furthermore it is not possible to reach Mary without going through the Church. It is therefore ultimately ones relationship with Mother Church that determines ones salvation or lack thereof! This was the goal of Emperor Constantine from the beginning. Only the Church can forgive sins and offer redemption.
From Shabbat to Sun Day
Constantine's god, Mithras Sol Invictus, was worshiped on Sundays because he was a sun god.
Biblically HaShem is worshiped on Shabbat (Friday sunset to Saturday sundown) as the Torah clearly instructs.
But on March 7, 321 C.E. Constantine decreed dies Solis (Sunday, the day of the sun) the official Roman day of rest and worship. His decree stated:
"On the venerable day of the Sun let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed. In the country however persons engaged in agriculture may freely and lawfully continue their pursuits because it often happens that another day is not suitable for grain-sowing or vine planting; lest by neglecting the proper moment for such operations the bounty of heaven should be lost."This decree is the real why Christians worship on Sunday. It has nothing to do with the believed resurrection of Iēsoús. Such excuses are merely justifications for abandoning the biblical Shabbat.
Constantine's Alleged Conversion to Christianity
As for Constantine's alleged conversion to "Christianity" consider this series of quotes:
"Before his baptism on his deathbed, Emperor Constantine portrayed Sol Invictus on his official coinage, with the legend SOLI INVICTO COMITI, thus claiming the Unconquered Sun as a companion to the Emperor [himself].
"Christianity adopted some of the attributes of the Sol Invictus religion, as apparent in the first examples of Christian iconography, depicting Christ with solar attributes such as the radiated crown or, in a few instances, a solar chariot."
"Sol Invictus had been adopted by the Church of Rome as evidenced by Christ as Apollo-Helios in a mausoleum discovered under Saint Peter's Basilica and dated to 250, and, from the beginning of the third century, "Sun of Justice" was used as a title of Christ."
"The date for Christmas may also bear a relation to the sun worship. According to the Syriac bishop Jacob Bar-Salibi, writing in the twelfth century:
"It was a custom of the Pagans to celebrate on the same 25 December the birthday of the Sun, at which they kindled lights in token of festivity. In these solemnities and revelries the Christians also took part. Accordingly when the doctors of the Church perceived that the Christians had a leaning to this festival, they took counsel and resolved that the true Nativity should be solemnized [sic] on that day." (cited in "Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries", Ramsay MacMullen. Yale:1997, p155)."
"Christianity designated Sunday as the "Lord's Day" and the day of rest, rather than Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath." (sic)
(Gathered, referenced and presented: Here).
As the traditions of Sol Invictus and other Pagan deities and customs were incorporated into the teachings of the New Universal Religion the final nail was hammered into the coffin of the Nazarene Way.
Continue to Part Six
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