Who Are You?
As was mentioned previously, the Soul can be conceived as existing of five fundamental levels. Three of these dwell in duality and two above it. Our desire is to transcend all duality and dwell in the House of God in non-duality. This does not mean we lose our individuality nor cease to exist as in Buddhism and Sankarian Hindu. This understanding can be known as Achintya-Bheda-Abheda or Inconceivable Oneness and Difference. The spiritual realms are beyond our comprehension. Theologically this understanding seeks to integrate strict dualistic theology (known as Dvaita) as taught by the Indiasn sage Madhvacharya and the monistic theology (called Advaita) of Adi Shankara. These two schools of thought are found in our shared experience and Achintya-Bheda-Abheda modifies them. We are of God, because God is One and yet we exist as individuals. We are one with God, our sourse, and yet we exist independant of God.
Within every living entity is a nefesh essential or 'animal soul.' Humans alone have the ability to rise above the nephesh, animal level. This spiritual elevation is the goal of all forms of light spirituality.
There are various spiritual and non-spiritual activities that assist in this and we will dicuss several of these as time goes on. As we will discuss later, I believe the highest of these methods is known as bhakti yoga in the Sanatana Dharma. This is the Way of loving devotional service with faith to One God. We will discuss various methods of spiritual develpoment later in this course including bhakti yoga. For now, we are seeking to understand or what we are as living souls. Grasping everything that follows is not necessary but an overview should be helpful.
The three modes of material nature keep us bound to the illusion (Maya that the the Soul can find true satisfaction within duality. There are three funadamental qualities guṇas (triguṇa), according to this worldview. These are present within in all things and beings in the world to various degrees. Animals operate on the constant tugging of these qualities. Higher Souls are able to struggle with them to better themselves and break free from the hold of temporary, illusory pleasures. These three guṇas are called:
- Sattva Guna: Goodness, righteousness, calmness, spiritual harmony;
- Rajas Guna: Passion, lustful activity, greed, jealosy, hypocrisy;
and- Tamas Guna Ignorance, sloth, laziness.
Let's pause and consider material nature in which the triguṇa operates and enslaves the world.
The five levels as concieved in biblical theology:
The Five Levels of the Soul
- Nefesh: The "animal soul," that is responsible for basic physical needs and life functions. All living entities have/are this soul.
- Ruach: The "wind" or "spirit soul." The Spirit of God imparts this soul to everyone who seeks spiritual liberation. It enthuses the emotions and personality by elevating the entity beyond its animalistic instints.
- Neshama: The "breath" soul, representing a deeper spiritual awareness and connection to God.
- Chaya: The "life" soul, a further elevation of spiritual consciousness.
- Yechida: The "oneness" soul, representing the ultimate unity with the Divine source.
More insight into these five is provided by Sanatana Dharma as the Pancha Bhutas or Five Foundational Elements of all existence. These are described as follows:
Elements of Existence
Soul Level
- Nephesh
- Ruach
- Neshama
- Chaya
- Yechida
Bhuta Ruling Element
- Akasha (Aether)
- Vayu (Air)
- Agni (Fire)
- Apas (Water)
- Prithvi (Earth)
Human Body Componant
- Aether
- Air
- Fire
- Water
- Earth
Associated Digit
- Thumb
- Index Finger
- Middle finger
- Ring finger
- Little finger
Spiritual Consort
- Prithvi
- Bharati
- Svaha
- Varuni
- Akasha
Primary Perception
- Sound
- Touch
- Sight
- Taste
- Smell
Primary Sense Organ
- Ears
- Skin
- Eyes
- Tongue
- Nose
Elements of Existence >
Soul Level
- Akasha
- Vayu
- Agni
- Apas
- Prithvia
- East
- West
- South
- North
- Center, balance
- Expansion, enhancement
- Movements, joy, happiness
- Power, confidence, fame
- Spirituality, ideas, thoughts, healing
- Stability, peace and harmony
- Madhura/Sweet
- Amla/Sour
- Lavana/Salty
- Katu/Bitter
- Tikta/Pungent
- Kashaya/Astringent
Associated Bhuta
- Jala, Prithvi (Earth and Water)
- Prithvi, Agni (Earth and Fire)
- Jala, Agni (Water and Fire)
- Vayu, Agni (Air and Fire)
- Akasha, Vayu (Aether and Air)
- Vayu, Prithvi (Air and Earth)
The Pancha Bhutas are the basic elements that make up any living organisms on Earth or anywhere else in the known Universe. By enthusing these various elements with prana (life-force) it is possible to impact healing and well being. Through dhyāna or meditation the associated elements can be activated. There are several associated techniques to do this.
The five fingers act like connecting rods with their associated elements. By utilizing the mudras one can connect the various energies through intentional channelized hand mudras. It works like opening and closing circuit boards. There are said to be close to 399 mudras. Later in this study we will devote time to unlocking these gestures. The important thing to remember with such topics is that all healing etc. ultimately comes from One God alone. Just as God sometimes uses medical practitioners to heal, so too, asananas (Yoga postures) and mudras can help facilitate within the areas assigned to them by One God.
Question: Which of the five soul levels do you mostly operate from? Which of the other shared elements do you relate with?
Who Are You?
The Sound of Silence, Part 1
* John of AllFaith January 09, 2025
* John of AllFaith January 09, 2025
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