Don't Blame HaShem!

The Roll of Free Will

By Rabbi Shlomo Nachman © September 04, 2015

Free will is difficult to understand however free will is the whole purpose for our existence. Human beings are unique among all other life forms we know of because of our free will. Free will defines who are and what we do in this world. It defines who we are, where we have been, and where we are going.

Deuteronomy 30:19: This day, I call upon the heaven and the earth as witnesses [that I have warned] you: I HAVE SET BEFORE YOU life and death, the blessing and the curse. You shall CHOOSE LIFE, so that you and your offspring will live.
Not only can we choose life, our Creator demands that we choose! WE are responsible for the things we we choose. Free will is an integral part of HaShem's plan for the human race.

As Rebbe Nachman of Breslov teaches:

"If a person doesn't focus on the purpose, what is the point of his life?" -- Likutey Moharan I, 268

"Everything you see in the world - everything that exists - is there for the sake of free will, in order to test people [i.e. to temper us, like steel in a fire]. The entire world and all that it contains were created to give man free will" -- Sichot Haran #300; Chayey Moharan #519

"For the sake of one small pleasure lasting a mere quarter of an hour, a person can lose the whole of this world together with the world to come!" - Likutey Moharan II, 108

"What is free will? If you want, you do it , and if you don't want, you don't do it" -- Likutey Moharan II, 110

"Man is unique in his greatness. When a person does like this with his hands, a movement like this takes place in all the worlds! And when he does like that with his hands, a movement like that takes place in all the worlds! -- If you could turn a person inside out, you would see that thousands upon thousands of worlds depend on every single sinew of his body -- Chayey Moharan #504-5

"The hard part of anything one has to do for God is the part left to one's own free will. These are the things that one has to decide for oneself without being explicitly commanded or asked to do them. It is then entirely up to oneself to do as one chooses.

In all acts of devotion, something is always left for the individual to decide for himself without being instructed one way or the other. He must make his own choice. It is in the area where free will comes into play that the main work lies. There is always room for doubt about what God really wants, since He has given no instructions as to what to do" -- Chayey Moharan #197

Oh Yes my friend, we have free will and because of free will each of us is responsible for the things we allow and for the things to disallow.

Exodus 32:32 And now, if You forgive their sin But if not, erase me now from Your book, which You have written."
32:33 And the Lord said to Moses: "Whoever has sinned against Me, him I will erase from My book!"
Of which Rashi notes:
And now, if You forgive their sin…: good, I will not ask You to erase me, but if not, erase me. This is an elliptical verse, and there are many like it. from Your book: From the entire Torah, so that they will not say about me that I was unworthy to beg mercy for them [the Israelites].

Make no mistake: To remain silent is to participate in the sins of the community.

Deuteronomy 30:19: This day, I call upon the heaven and the earth as witnesses [that I have warned] you: I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. You shall choose life, so that you and your offspring will live;

Joshua 24:15 And if it displeases you to serve the Lord, CHOOSE this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the river, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell, but as for me and my household, we shall serve the Lord."

IF ONE CHOOSES to shirk ones divine obligation of CHOOSING life this is a CHOICE based on the person's free will.

Of course, HaShem knows ALL things. Therefore He knows what we will CHOOSE before we make the decision. This in no way removes our free will because we choose.

HaShem unitizes human FREE WILL so that His Ultimate Will is done. This is completely consistent with the premise of free will because of the existence of Am Israel. Am Y'israel chose to accept the Covenant at Mount Sinai by our free will. Based on this free will choice HaShem WILL justly and with supreme mercy redeem His people as He promised.

Those of the other nations who wish to join us in the Final Redemption are FREE to do so (Genesis 12:3).

IF it is their FREE WILL to join with the nations and destroy Israel (and the US) in a nuclear holocaust, HaShem may allow this and may empower evil people who, by their free will, choose this dreadful path, to make the necessary arrangements! God knows the U.S. deserves to be annihilated due to the ongoing slaughter of millions of our innocent children through infanticide alone! This is the "evil spirit of the Lord" we read about in passages such as Judges 9:23, I Samuel 16:23, and so on. THIS is the result of our free will.

God's Will is that we all enter teshuvah (repentance) and achieve peace among ourselves and with HaShem. WE are currently choosing death over life by our free will.

Again, Rebbe Nachman of Breslov tells us:

"The ultimate goal of the entire creation is Unity: "On that day God will be One and His name One" (Zechariah 14:9) . The prophet speaks of "that day" - a future time, when the goal of the creation will have been attained: God will be One.

This ultimate goal is entirely good. For oneness - unity - is entirely good, as we learn from the comment of the Rabbis on this verse in Zechariah: "On that day HaShem will be One and His name One." - "Is this meant to imply," asked the Rabbis, "that right now He is not One? Of course not! What it means is that in our present state, we make a distinction between the different kinds of experiences God sends us in life. When bad things happen, we bless God as 'the true Judge', while when good things happen, we bless Him as 'the good and beneficent'. But in time to come we will bless Him for everything as 'the good and beneficent'" ( Pesachim 50a) . Thus we see that unity is the ultimate goal and this goal is entirely good.

Since the ultimate goal is entirely good, in the end everything will turn out to have been for the good. Even when bad things happen and you are beset with troubles and suffering, God forbid, by looking at the ultimate purpose, you will see that these things are not bad at all; they are actually of very great benefit. All suffering is sent from God intentionally for your own ultimate good, whether to remind you to return to God or to cleanse and scour you of your sins. If so , the suffering is really very beneficial, because God's intention is certainly only for good.

Whatever evil and suffering you endure, God forbid, if you just look at the ultimate goal - God's purpose - you will not experience it as suffering at all. On the contrary, by realizing the purpose of this suffering, you will be filled with joy at so much good. For the ultimate purpose is entirely good, all unity! And the deep truth is that there is no evil at all in the world: everything is good.

Then why do we feel pain when we suffer? The pain that people endure when they suffer is only because their spiritual understanding is withheld from them and they cannot focus on the ultimate purpose, which is entirely good. It is then that they feel the pain and sorrow of their suffering. But when understanding is present and one keeps one's attention on the ultimate goal, one feels no pain and suffering at all."

So, evil people including the "US president" Hussein Obama, vice president Biden, Secretary of State John Kerry and the senators listed in the image below, have all used their FREE WILL to empower Iran to destroy Israel, the US, and the formerly free world with nuclear weapons. This is treason against the United States and an attack on Israel and our God. These people have knowingly set the stage for a modern day holocaust of over half Jews in the World (in Israel: 7 million) and the remainder of the rest (in the US: 6 million) as well as every other person living in the US and other countries. God will surely curse these people individually and the nation they claim to represent (Genesis 12:3).

Make no mistake about this! This will happen, May HaShem protect His people, NOT by the Will of HaShem, God forbid! but because "We the People of the once United States" have allowed traitors to God and our nation to take over. What has happened and what will likely happen IS NOT the Will of God! These horrendous events WILL HAPPEN because of OUR FREE WILL unless we drop to our knees in genuine teshuvah and seek HaShem. Israel is unique among the nations of the earth nevertheless for the sake of our people and our planet the Jews of Israel and the diaspora (i.e. those of us still scattered among the nations) need to make teshuvah and Re-UNITE as one people. If we do not, the coming of the one "like unto Haman" is likely and the world will be plunged into its darkest hour yet. These days MAY already be under way.

Mashiach ben Yosef will come. A remnant of the Jewish people and of the nations will be spared... and finally our long awaited Melech HaMashiach ben David WILL come. BUT this will not happened without times darker than the world has ever known! It would be FAR better if we would all choose to make teshuvah

and welcome our Redemption.

The banding together by the nations of the world against Israel is the guarantee that their time of destruction is near and the final redemption of the Jew is at hand -- Rabbi Meir Kahane (ztk"l)

DO NOT lay the dawning tragedies on HaShem's doorstep! These things will happen because WE have used our free will for greed, prejudice, hatred, and spiritual rebellion against HaShem, the God of Y'israel.

Deuteronomy 30:19: This day, I call upon the heaven and the earth as witnesses [that I have warned] you: I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. You shall choose life, so that you and your offspring will live.

Joshua 24:15 And if it displeases you to serve the Lord, CHOOSE this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the river, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell, but as for me and my household, we shall serve the Lord."


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