We begin on Page 25 of our song book, "As a Deer Pants for the Water" so our souls long after One God.
Welcome to AllFaith.com and Beit Emunah's Omnist Community Worship!
Page 25 in our songbook, "Gadol Elohai: How Great Is Our God!
As an Omnist community we recognize the hand of the Divine all around us. The Holy One meets us where are and leads us Homeward according our individual marga or path. There is no single path to One God. We therefore honor all paths while walking the one granted to us.
Through myriad individual rays of Divine Love the universe is enlightened. One of the oldest prayers for enlightenment comes from the Rig Vedas, The Gayatri, on page 32. Gayatri is a Sanskrit mantra consisting of two syllables:
Gaa: To sing or recite
The "Gayatri" is a mantra for divine protection and guidance. Before chanting it, let us all relax in a comfortable position and breath. We breath in divine life and love. Breath from your diaphram, from your gut, and hold the wind of God for a moment. Feel your lungs filling and holding that breath, in this moment and place. That breath is a gift to you from One God. And then, exhale any stresses and negativities that come to mind. If you are hurting physically of emotionally, breath that negativity out, gently releasing it. Allow your mind to hold peace, light, and joy and release everything else through your outgoing breath. Breath in deeply through your nose, without forcing it, and outward through your mouth. In and out the wind of God flows like the ocean's tide, rythmic and sure. Allow yourself to experience the love and well being God desires for you through the gift of breath. Draw God's blessings into your core. Then breath out all fears, stresses, and doubts, knowing that you are beloved of God, a cherish son or daughter of the Creator. Grant a place within your mind and heart for only love and peace.
Yatree: Protection.And now in peaceful state we call out to One God for guidence to ever more Light and protection from all negativities:
Oh One God!
You are the Giver of all Life,
You are the Remover of all pain and sorrow,
You are the Bestower of all happiness,
Oh One God!
You are the Creator of the Universes!
May we all receive Your divine ignorance-destroying Light of Truth,
May You guide our intellects in the right pathways.om bhür bhuvah svah
tat savitur varenyam
bhargo devasya dhîmahi
dhiyo yo nah pracodayätThe Gayatri Mantra
May there be peace and well being to all entities.
Know that the power of prayer is great! The secret to successful prayers is making sure we are seeking blessings in harmony with the Will of One God.
Page 31 in our Songbook: Seek ye first the kingdom of God.
Praises and Prayers. We now invite our members and friends to share their brief prayers and praises. Speak directly to God or to our community whatever is on your heart.
May One God hear our prayers and respond favorably to us.
Mi Shebeirach, by Debbie Friedman, page 18 in our Song Book Announcements:
Note: All Times are Eastern.
Sundays 8 PM: AllHeart continues. Everyone is welcome to join our random, mutually respectful conversations each Sunday at 8 PM. Only in our Zoom Room.
Wednesdays at ONE PM: The Biblical Prophets with Gavi David and Charles Houston. Live in the Zoom room only.
Wednesdays at 8 PM: Our Srimad Bhagadvad Gita group in Zoom, Rumble, or our Social Media servers (other than Facebook).
Thursdays 8 PM: Our Omnist Spiritual Ascension group in Zoom, Rumble, or our Social Media servers (other than Facebook).
Saturdays 12 PM Our Omnist Community Worship Service.
What Kind of World from "Music from the 2022 World Conferences of Queensland
Page 07 in our Songbook: Gesher Tzar Me'od
Our Current Prayers and Praises are Now Online.
For our live videos, class and service updates, questions, answers, and posts:
"Follow" and "Like" us on Rumble where many of our broadcasts are stored. If YouTube doesn't work out we'll return here.
If you are blessed by these humble offerings, we ask you to consider joining our Omnist community, regardless of your religious affiliation. Engage with my D'var Torah thoughts, explore our diverse online offerings, sign up for the newsletter, contribute membership dues, and make donations to support our efforts in blessing everyone. We value ALL supporters, irrespective of their religious specifics or the amount they can donate, and we encourage everyone to become active community members. Click the Donations and Membership tab on the shul home page or donate through our Rumble pages.
Be the Blessing you were created to be
Don't let the perfect defeat the good
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