Thus Say The Prophets
Prophet Daniel

Book of Daniel: Chapter Eleven

Commentary © By John of AllFaith*
11:1 "In the first year of Darius the Mede, I took my stand to strengthen and fortify him.
The speaker is the angel Gabriel. As discussed, it is Daniel who first introduces us to the role of named celestial beings like Gabriel and Michael. Rashi offers a rewording of this verse for clarity and resumed context following the details given in chapter nine:
As for me, in the first year of Darius the Mede when the kingdom of Babylon fell, and the rule of Media and Persia commenced, and the princes of Media and Persia entreated the Omnipresent to make the yoke of their frightful rule heavy upon you, I, Gabriel, stood as a supporter and as a stronghold for Michael, your prince.

The notion that there are named celestial "princes" assisting one another and humanity in our ongoing struggle with the Nephilim is, to some, problematic. Prior to the Book of Daniel, our Scriptures present the Holy One Alone as our helper. When He uses "angels," they are as unnamed tools in His Hands, but now these entities are identified by name. The sages ponder why this change took place. Like them, we can only note that it did. It may be because as the negative progression of humanity moves us further away from our Source, thus limiting our direct communion with Him, angelic involvement becomes more needful. Another reasonable possibility is, based on what we have learned from Daniel thus far, is that as the Nephilim plans continue to sudduce more and more homo sapiens, in order to thwart them, named defenders were called into the transdimensional struggle to share the burdon of the righteous. Others say the introduction of named angels demonstrates the influx of assymilation into the minds of Jewish people. This is yet another reason why Daniel is listed as a ketuvim or writing rahter than as navaim or book of prophecy. Such beings were known to other Eastern peoples. This can not be however because Daniel is either Sacred Writ or it is not. If it is, these entities must have found their way into our Scripture by teh Will of HaShem, as we discussed previously. For whatever reason, the divine revelation to us comes because HaShem determined it should be. We can't say for sure, but it is a fascinating topic to ponder.

What we do know is that the struggle is between humanity and the Nephilim, between homo sapiens and homo deus, more accurately termed, homo diablos. This struggle however has a wider implication than human well-being alone. Scripture presents the challenge as a Globalist attempt to erase the very Name of God from our human DNA and replace it with that of a Nephiloim lord, may God protect us. We are in a struggle for our very existence as a species and the future of the Earth.

The celestial entity opposing Gabriel is identified as ha-satan (הַשָּׂטָ֖ן) or the 'Adversary.' According to Rashi, one Rosh Hashanah ha-satan appeared before the Celestial Beit Din and issued his famous challenge (Job 1:6). Rashi explains that on that day, "the Holy One, blessed be He, commanded the Adversary [ha-satan] to bring [or document] the merit and the guilt of all creatures. This is the meaning of "from going to and fro on the earth."

Understand that HaShem is the sole authority and yet He grants us free will up to a point. Having granted homo sapiens the dual nature, known as yetzer hatov and yetzer hara, the positive and negative impulses that make free will possible, along with the ability to apply or misapply this awesome power as we chose, the Nephilim Adversaries—who are ultimately, like all entities, servants of HaShem's Plan of Universal Redemption—are empowered to see if humanity is worthy of this power and position. HaShem granted a maximum of six thousand earth years for their examination. Daniels book chronicles the history past, present, and future, of this court case.

Adonai said to the Adversary [Hebrew: ha-satan (הַשָּׂטָ֖ן)], "Where have you been?" The Adversary answered Adonai, "I have been roaming all over the earth." [i.e., as HaShem has commanded]

Adonai told the Adversary, "Have you noticed My servant Iyov [Job]? There is no one like him on earth, a blameless and upright man who has awe [Hebrew: יָרֵ֥א (yara) meaning both fear and to hold in awe] Elohim [God] and shuns evil!"

The Adversary asked Adonai, "Does Iyov not have good reason to yara God?

Why, You who have placed a protective fence around him, both him and his household and all that he has. You have blessed his efforts to spread his possessions in the land.

But lay Your hand upon all he has, and he will surely blaspheme [or curse] You to Your face."

These passages in Sefer Iyov, the Book of Job, God reveals why evil exists and why the Olam Hazeh, the present world order with its challenges, came to be. This planetary challenge is why HaShem empowered the Nephilim to established the Four Global Powers Daniel revealed and the final Beast who is yet to be revealed onto the world stage, and so on. Daniel and Job together demonstrate to all created entities that although homo sapiens are certainly fallible and can be misled by our dual natures, once we receive full knowledge in the Olam Haba, we will choose HaShem and His ways and then, as Scripture says,

[Elohim] shall come as redeemer to Zion,
To those in Ya'akov who turn back from sin
—declares Elohim.

And this shall be My covenant with them, said Elohim: My spirit that is upon you, and the words that I have placed in your mouth, shall not be absent from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your children, nor the mouth of your children's children—said Elohim from now on, for all time.
The entire course of human affairs is leading to this ultimate, future, revelation of Truth to all beings. Under the First Global Empire, the Adversary failed. The Jews maintained loyalty despite their hardships, and Nebuchadzer of Babylon, Darius the Mede, and Cyrus the Persian all accepted HaShem's Plan of Redemption as they understood it. But the Celestial Court Case continues into the Greek Empire, and into Fourth Kingdom. This case continues and will be concluding very soon.

11:2 And now I [Gabriel] will tell you the truth: Persia will have three more kings, and the fourth will be wealthier than them all; by the power he obtains through his wealth, he will stir everyone up against the kingdom of Greece.

Since this Prophecy was given in the third year of Cyrus (Daniel 10:1) or circa 533 BCE, in hindsight we can see that the three kings that would arise “after him” did. They were Ahasuerus (aka Cambyses, B. C. 529-522), Artaxerxes (aka Pseudo-Smerdis, 522-521 BCE), and Darius (aka Darius Hystaspes, 521-485 BCE) as described by Prophet Ezra 4:1-24. After him, as Daniel foretold, came Greece and Alexander the Great (the remaining Persian kings are not named, and the prophecy jumps forward nearly 150 years to the time of Alexander the Great. 336-323 BCE. This is because the sunsequent Persian rulers were irrelavant to the flow of Jewish history).

11:3 Then [not "next"], a warrior king [i.e., Alexander the Great] will appear who will have an extensive dominion and do as he pleases.

11:4 But after his appearance, his kingdom will be broken up and scattered to the four winds of heaven, but not for any of his posterity, nor with dominion like that which he had; for his kingdom will be uprooted and belong to others beside these.

Again, history records the accuracy of these words. Alexander the Great rose and changed the course of human history, but like all human rulers he eventually died. Alexander was like a hurricane sweeping across the known world. His 'Hellenism,' which continues to imspire contemporary pluralistic religious beliefs and practices, arose in Greece and spread throughout the world, including the Jewish world. But it essential the beliefs, mythology, and rituals are older than the times of Alexander the Great. Hellenism is a recasting of the Nephilim toxin poured into the waters of the Earth. All who drink of its waters became drunk by and return to the principles espoused by Nimrod and Semiraism and the Nephilim-led elite.

When Alexander, refered to by Daniel as the he-goat (8:8) died, many believe to an apropo water-born illness, though some say to the sword, his vast empire collapsed. Because he had no childen his vast holdings were divided to his generals as we discussed before. His Greek Empire was divided among four successors, four generals, known in Latin as the Diadochi, from the Greek, Diadokhoi, meaning "successors." They were:

Alexander the Great died in Babylon in 323 BCE. His death at age 32 followed a 2-week unspecified febrile (or fever) illness. Theories abound about the cause of his death, including possible poisoning, assassination, and various infectious diseases. Again, the real cause of Alexander's death was the Will of HaShem. Alexander would have conquered the known world had HaShem not intervened, and Hellenism would have returned to the world to the days of Babel. Whatever the apparent cause of Alexander's death, it was the intervention of HaShem that stopped him.

The greatest of the Diadochi successor states to Alexander the Great's fallen empire was arguably the Seleucid state (the Kings of the North in this context), created by Seleucus Nicator in 312 BCE. This regional empire reigned until 64 BCE— when the remains of the Seleucid state fell to the Romans. At its height, the Seleucid Empire was a significant power that included Syria, Eretz Y'israel, southern Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, Iran, and much of central Asia. Its influence and control over these regions shaped the course of the ancient world into modern times. The infamous Antiochus IV Epiphanes (175–163 BCE), who defiled the Jewish Temple as commemorated during Chanukah, was of the lineage of Seleucus I Nicator.

Daniel 8:9 From one of them [i.e., the Diadochi or four horns: Alexander's generals] emerged a little horn, which extended itself greatly toward the south [into Egypt], toward the east [in Babylon] and into the beautiful Land [Eretz Y'israel].

Accordiong to the more expansive interpretation, this 'Little Horn' will be like a second Alexander the Great. For a time his power will engulf the world and seem unstoppable. But here in Chapter eleven, we are discussing the imminant interpretation however we should keep the expansive interpretation in our mind because they are like a shadow and the caster of the shadow. Here we are seeing the shadow.

11:5 "The king of the south will grow powerful; however, one of his officers will overpower him and rule, having an extensive dominion.

Here Daniel reveals the pre-history of the literal wars of the Ptolemies of Egypt. The "Kings of the South, according to a literal reading, refers to the Ptolemies of Egypt, Egypt being located south of Israel, and the Kings of the North refers to the Seleucidae of Syria to Israel's north. As usual, Daniel's prophecies were amazingly accurate. In the expanisive interpretation teh identity of the King of the South is less certain. In my opinion, the king of the south in teh expansive interpretation is Al Iklhwan, the Egyptian-based Muslim Brotherhood. The King of the North is Gog of Magog, the leader of the Russian Federation at this future point.

11:6 After some years, an alliance will be made, and the daughter of the king of the south will come to the king of the north to effect the agreement, but she will not maintain her strength, nor will his strength endure. She will be surrendered together with those who escorted her and the one who begot her and helped her during those times.

Such arrangements between the Egyptians and the Syrians came to be in the imminant experience. In the greater experience Al Ikhwan is even now making treaties with Russia against Israel.

11:7 A shoot from her stock will appear in his place, will come against the army and enter the fortress of the king of the north; he will fight and overpower them.

11:8 He will also take their gods with their molten images and their precious vessels of silver and gold back to Egypt as booty. For some years he will leave the king of the north alone,

11:9 who will [later] invade the realm of the king of the south, but will go back to his land.

11:10 "His sons will wage war, collecting a multitude of great armies; he will advance and sweep through as a flood, and will again wage war as far as his stronghold.

11:11 Then the king of the south, in a rage, will go out to do battle with him, with the king of the north. He will muster a great multitude, but the multitude will be delivered into his [foe’s] power.

11:12 But when the multitude is carried off, he will grow arrogant; he will cause myriads to perish, but will not prevail.

11:13 Then the king of the north will again muster a multitude even greater than the first. After a time, a matter of years, he will advance with a great army and much baggage.

These historic struggles among the Diadochi are well known and documented in the iminant experience of the region. In the expanisive meaning, teh Muslim Ummah and the Russian Federation both seek world conquest but it will not be granted to them. Later, the One like Haman, the willful king, will sweep across the earth and the King of the South (Al Ikhwan), the King of the North (Russia) and the King of the East (China) will all be forced to serve him, for a time.

11:14 In those times, many will resist the king of the south, and the lawless sons of your people will assert themselves to confirm the vision, but they will fail.

"In those times" speak of the Latter Days. We are no longer speaking of the immediate prophecis but of what will be in the End of Days. In those days, "Your sons," Israel, will war with Islam (the Kings of the South) but because they refuse to look to HaShem, the armies of Hubal Sin (Islam) will defeat the armies of Israel.
11:15 The king of the north will advance and throw up siege ramps and capture a fortress city, and the forces of the south will not hold out; even the elite of his army will be powerless to resist.

11:16 His opponent will do as he pleases, for none will hold out against him; he will install himself in the beautiful land with destruction within his reach.

As Israel and the Muslim Chaliphate are engaged in fierce fighting Russia will betray its agreements with al Ikhwan and will invade both Israel and Egypt and will conqure them and establish their reign over the entire Lavant southward into the Africa continant.

Mblockquote> 11:17 He [Russia] will set his mind upon invading the strongholds throughout his [foe’s] kingdom, but in order to destroy it he will effect an agreement with him and give him a daughter in marriage; he will not succeed at it and it will not come about.

11:18 He will turn to the coastlands and capture many; but a consul will put an end to his insults, nay pay him back for his insults.

The European powers of the coming Global Union of the "Willful King," the "One Like Haman" will enter the fray through agreements signed with the coastal nations like Cyprus. The GU will cause Russia and the Al Ikhwan to back down as the Rex Mundi begins solidifing his global control.

11:19 He [Russia] will head back to the strongholds of his own land, but will stumble, and fall, and vanish.

11:20 His place will be taken by one who will dispatch an officer to exact tribute for royal glory, but he will be broken in a few days, not by wrath or by war.

The Russian Federation will be absorbed into the Global Union.

11:21 His place will be taken by a contemptible man, on whom royal majesty was not conferred; he will come in unawares and seize the kingdom through trickery.

The man called "Gog" of the kindgom of Magog (Moscow).

11:22 The forces of the flood will be overwhelmed by him and will be broken, and so too the covenant leader.

11:23 And, from the time an alliance is made with him, he will practice deceit; and he will rise to power with a small band.

11:24 He will invade the richest of provinces unawares, and will do what his father and forefathers never did, lavishing on them spoil, booty, and wealth; he will have designs upon strongholds, but only for a time.

11:25 "He will muster his strength and courage against the king of the south with a great army. The king of the south will wage war with a very great and powerful army but will not stand fast, for they will devise plans against him.

Once Russia falls before the migh of the Rex Mundi's Global Union its general will disgrace themselves by acting with rougish greed. They will develop an underground movement like a Mafia that will rob, pillage and destroy through the region, even into the Muslim lands of Al Ikhwan.

11:26 Those who eat of his food will ruin him. His army will be overwhelmed, and many will fall slain.

11:27 The minds of both kings will be bent on evil; while sitting at the table together, they will lie to each other, but to no avail, for there is yet an appointed term.

11:28 He will return to his land with great wealth, his mind set against the holy covenant. Having done his pleasure, he will return to his land.

The leader of the Global Union and Al Ikhwan will try to reestablish concord with the Russian rebels but they will lie and decieve both kings, Meanwhile, the Global Union will have made its deceptive seven year covenant with Israel, but the Russian bandits will undermine the agreement with continued attacks against Israel seeking to break the Seven Year Covenant. Arguably this could be because Russia, being an historically Christian nation, understands what this covenant actually is what it entails. If so, they may seek to defend their beloved homeland, Russia, from the horrors the was of Magog will bring. If so, it appears they will later reconsider and invade Israel, hoping to make it their own possition in opposition to the GU, Al Ikhwan, and China. Which will result in the War of Magog against the other powers and Israel.

11:29 At the appointed time, he will again invade the south, but the second time will not be like the first.

11:30 Ships from Kittim will come against him. He will be checked, and will turn back, raging against the holy covenant. Having done his pleasure, he will then attend to those who forsake the holy covenant.

As the Russian rebels attack Israel, the forces of GU controlled Kittim or Cyprus will block them, thus angering 'Gog,' the Rebel leader, who will determine in his wrath to anihilate Israel, Cyrus and Egypt.

11:31 Forces will be levied by him; they will desecrate the temple, the fortress; they will abolish the regular offering and set up the appalling abomination.

The GU dictator known as Rex Mundi by this point will have been active in Israel for at least a year and a half. He will have signed the seven year treaty, overseen construction of a Temple, been accepted by the Jewish and Western authorities as HaMashiach.

11:32 He will flatter with smooth words those who act wickedly toward the covenant, but the people devoted to their God will stand firm.

Although Rex Mundi will have won the support of the Rabbinic and national leader of Israel, a remnant of Jews and others will maintain their commitments to the Torah and teh God of Israel. These will be opposing the GU, its puppet Israeli government, and the Rabbinate. Among these brave Jewish patriots will be Mashaich ben Yosef. These dissenters may form an alliance with religiously faithful Muslim and Russians to oppose the Rex Mundi. This seems likely and implied but not certain from the prophecies.

11:33 The knowledgeable among the people will make the many understand; and for a while they shall fall by sword and flame, suffer captivity and spoliation.

At this tis time Joel's prophecy will be fulfilled:

Joel 2:Blow a horn in Zion. Sound an alarm on My holy mount!
Let all dwellers on earth tremble, for the day of the LORD has come!
It is close— A day of darkness and gloom, a day of densest cloud
Spread like soot over the hills. A vast, enormous horde—nothing like it has ever happened,
And it shall never happen again through the years and ages.
Their vanguard is a consuming fire, their rear guard a devouring flame.
Before them the land was like the Garden of Eden, behind them, a desolate waste:
Nothing has escaped them. They have the appearance of horses, they gallop just like steeds.
With a clatter as of chariots they bound on the hilltops,
With a noise like a blazing fire consuming straw; like an enormous horde arrayed for battle.
Peoples tremble before them, all faces turn ashen. They rush like warriors,
They scale a wall like fighters. And each keeps to his own track.
Their paths never cross; no one jostles another, each keeps to his own course.
And should they fall through a loophole, they do not get hurt.
They rush up the wall, they dash about in the city; they climb into the houses,
They enter like thieves by way of the windows. Before them earth trembles, and the heavens shake. The Sun and moon are darkened, and stars withdraw their brightness.
And Adonai roars loudly at the head of His army; for vast indeed is His host,
Numberless are those that do His bidding. For great is the Day of Adonai,
Most terrible—who can endure it? “Yet even now”—says Adonai—
“Turn back to Me with all your hearts, and with fasting, weeping, and lamenting.”
Rend your hearts rather than your garments, and turn back to Adonai your Elohim.
For He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, abounding in kindness,
And renouncing punishment. Who knows but He may turn and relent, and leave a blessing behind
For meal offering and drink offering to Adonai your Elohim? Blow a horn in Zion,
Solemnize a fast, proclaim an assembly! Gather the people, Instruct the congregation purify themselves.
Bring together the old, gather the babes and the sucklings at the breast;
Let the bridegroom come out of his chamber, the bride from her canopied bed.
Between the portico and the altar, let the priests, Adonai’s ministers, weep And say:
“Oh, spare Your people, Adoni! Let not Your possession become a mockery,
To be taunted by nations! Let not the peoples say,‘Where is their Elohim?’”
Then Adonai was roused on behalf of His land and had compassion upon His people.
In response to His people Adonai declared: “I will grant you the new grain,
The new wine, and the new oil, and you shall have them in abundance.
Nevermore will I let you be a mockery among the nations. I will drive the northerner far from you,
I will thrust it into a parched and desolate land—its van to the Eastern Sea
And its rear to the Western Sea; and the stench of it shall go up, and the foul smell rise.”
For Adonai shall work great deeds. Fear not, O soil, rejoice and be glad;
For Adonai has wrought great deeds. Fear not, O beasts of the field,
For the pastures in the wilderness are clothed with grass and the trees have borne their fruit;
Fig tree and vine have yielded their strength. O children of Zion, be glad,
Rejoice in Adonai your Elohim for He has given you the early rain in [His] kindness,
Now He makes the rain fall [as] formerly—the early rain and the late—
and your threshing floors shall be piled with grain, and vats shall overflow with new wine and oil.
“I will repay you for the years consumed by swarms and grasshoppers, by grubs and locusts,
The great army I let loose against you. And you shall eat your fill
And praise the Name of Adonai your Elohim Who dealt so wondrously with you—
My people shall be shamed no more. And you shall know that I am in the midst of Israel:
That I, Adonai am your Elohim and there is no other Elohim!
And My people shall be shamed no more.” After that, I will pour out My spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and daughters shall prophesy; your old men shall dream dreams,
And your young men shall see visions. I will even pour out My spirit upon male and female slaves in those days! Before the great and terrible day of Adonai comes,
I will set portents in the sky and on earth: Blood and fire and pillars of smoke;
The sun shall turn into darkness and the moon into blood.
And everyone who invokes the Name of Adonmai will escape;
For there shall be a remnant on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, as Adonai promised.
Anyone who invokes Adonmai will be among the survivors.

There will always be a faithful remnant who place their emunah in HaShem alone. As these times advance, this Remnant will stand firm even as many of our most trusted religious and political leaders fall before the throne of his Global dictatorship and Great Reset to Paganism. But the Russian and Muslim rebels will arise and join the Jewish Resistence Movement, which Mashiach ben Yosef will lead in those days.

11:34 In defeat, they will receive a little help, and many will join them insincerely.

11:35 Some of the knowledgeable will fall [i.e., as matryrs] so that they may be refined and purged and whitened until the time of the end, for an interval still remains until the appointed time.

Daniel speaks here of the period just before and after his prophecy's final or seventieth 'week.' The Earth will have become Ikhabod as the Holy Presence will have abandoned the Earth. But still, the Remnant will stand with no promise of protection by the power of their emunah and bitichon only. Yet because of the power of their teshuvah or repentance, HaShem will still grant them special powers to stand against the Globalist agenda. Even so, many of them will die the death of sacred martyrs.

11:36 "The king [i.e., Rex Mundi] will do as he pleases; he will exalt and magnify himself above every god, and he will speak awful things against the God of gods. He will prosper until wrath is spent and what has been decreed is accomplished.

11:37 He will not have regard for the god of his ancestors or the one dear to women; he will not have regard for any god but will magnify himself above them all.

11:38 Still, he will honor the 'god of fortresses' upon who he depends; he will honor them with gold and silver, precious stones and costly things, a god his ancestors never knew.

Some understand this "god of fortresses" as the proper name (in translation) of the Nephilim lord, who has been guiding the Dark Prophecies since immemorial, as understood by Theodotion and the Vulgate translators. In what I consider to be a more literalist understanding, the term is used figuratively, as when someone says, "Adonai is my 'refuge.'" The implication is that the Rex Mundi answers to his overseers like almost everyone else. In this case, he must bend his knees to the Nephilim lords sustaining and empowering him. Despite his self-aggrandizement, the Willful King depends on his Nephilim betters' support. The Nephilim are, therefore, his fortress and his refuge. He is certain that their plan for global conquest will be victorious as the conclusion of the War draws near.

11:39 He [i.e., Rex Mundi] will deal with fortified strongholds with the help of an alien god. He will heap honors on those who acknowledge him and make them masters over many; he will distribute land for a price.

This translation here is the most accurate. Rex Muni will pursue the final goal of the Globalist Great Reset to Paganism with the help of an alien god. This "alien god" is the overlord of the Nephilim system. The honored sage Joseph ibn Yahya sheds deeper insight into Rex Mundi and his god:
And he [i.e., Rex Mundi] will make every city a fortress because they will all exist in honor of this god who will be recognized anew [i.e., he will be the ancient god of Babel returned and restored to his place]. In every city, there will be a large prayer house called Domo (from Ishkobatu), which the local governor and his Ishkobatu [i.e., lovers of his god] will lead; there will be one for each city and town. And the ruler of the rulers and the priests of the rest of the many people will honor him [i.e., Rex Mundi] as they did the rulers of the Christian nation. And the land will share in the price because, at the price of the priests' work, the produce of the land will be distributed to them. Each of them [i.e., Rex Mundi's followers] will receive a portion of the land and its income, which in their language is called binificio ispeditual.

11:40 At the time of the end, the king of the south will lock horns with him, but the king of the north will attack him with chariots and riders and many ships. He will invade lands, sweeping through them like a flood;

11:41 he will invade the beautiful land, too, and many will fall, but these will escape his clutches: Edom, Moab, and the chief part of the Ammonites.

11:42 He [Rex Mundi] will lay his hands on lands; not even the land of Egypt will escape.

11:43 He [Rex Mundi] will gain control over treasures of gold and silver and all the precious things of Egypt, and the Libyans and Cushites will follow at his heel.

11:44 But reports from east and north will alarm him, and he will march forth in great fury to destroy and annihilate many.

11:45 He will pitch his royal pavilion between the sea and the beautiful holy mountain and meet his doom with no one to help him.

Between the Mediterranean and Jerusalem. Rex Mundi will establish his military base in the Valley of the Sons of Hinnom, the foretold site of the upcoming War of Magog.

As this struggle continues during the final seven years of the age, Rex Mundi will hear rumblings that the Chinese and the Russian Federation (not just the Russian rebels) are considering full-scale rebellions against his authorities. So, he will now turn his attention to quelling these rebellions.

Continue to Chapter Twelve

* © This series is by John of AllFaith, © April 12, 1997 (last updated September 29,2024)

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