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Another Q & A: Send in yours!
This questioner requested not to be identified.Question:
Being a Christian, I understand that "dragon" or "serpent" often depicts Satan from a biblical perspective. I was recently asked by a mainland Chinese who is interested in Christianity but cannot comprehend why "dragon" is often depicted as evil in the Bible whereas the Chinese race has always embraced the dragon as a symbol of wealth & prosperity & all things the Chinese consider good.
Your opinion & words of wisdom, please
My reply:
Christian and Asian cultures are very different.You are correct; in Christian belief the dragon, Leviathan, is generally presented as the embodiment of evil in the world. In China, India, Japan, and most other Asian cultures, as well as in many Welsh, Irish, and other European traditions, dragons are seen as protectors and bringers of good fortune. The Christian destain for them arises from a few different sources.
When we consider some of the early European tales of dragon slaying we find that it is often the followers of "the New Religion" (i.e. Christianity and its solar knights) who seek to slay the "evil" dragons of the Old Order. Conversely, the followers of "the Old Religion" (i.e. the Druids, Pagans, and so on) generally sought to protect these mystical creatures, and so were permitted into their "caves" and lairs (concepts of deep mystic significance) where they achieved hidden Occult knowledge. As the "anointed" Christian knights slew the dragons they were symbolically slaying all "heresy" (as judged by the Church). This indicated their authority over heaven and earth and supported their desired global conquest. Dissention would not be tolerated.
As the Nicolaitan Church vanquished and absorbed the other religions it established itself as the sole ruling authority. As its reign solidified, the dragons, along with the Arians, Witches, Pagans and Heathens (and of course Jews), passed into the "Night" and became "legions" to entertain and threaten children and others who might step beyond Catholic and/or Protestant allowance. Nevertheless, Christians are still warned to be wary because the dragons may yet lurk in the darkness (of the mind / cave) and Satan 'roams about seeking whom he may devour'! Of course this view runs counter to the biblical Jewish understandings that 'Satan' is essentially the personification of the yetzer hara or negative impulse.
When the world was wild and dragons still roamed the endless forests, isolated semi-autonomous cultures abounded. Each had its own secrets, memories, and mysteries. But as the world was tamed/subdued by the Church more powerful dangers arose like the Inquisitions. The bishops determined the paradigms and symbolism the people were to be subject to. Talk of the old ways, whether Pagan or Arian, was dangerous. The bishops and priests of the Church now became the 'dragons.' To cross them was to die and precious few dared attempt it.
But still, there were hushed whispers about the old masters who still communed with the dragon powers and mysteries of the Old Religion. Arthur Pen Dragon would surely return and vanquish these new dragons some day! One day the hounds of Pwyll Pen Anfyn would surely come and down these Christian beasts! Oh yes, dragons still ruled the skies and the night time hours! Make no mistake about that.
Christian Western culture dominated much of the planet for the past 2000 years but now, today, its power is failing. New Dragon Slayers are arising to challenge and defeat the Old World Beliefs and ethics. New dragons are now appearing, seeking to devour and replace the old even as the Christian beasts once replaced their Pagan predecessors! Western culture is being systematically transformed into a Secular Humanist New World Order complete with new paradigms, world views, no less dangerous and enslaving than the previous. The dragons of today are creatures of dark global authority with ancient roots reaching back to the Tower philosophy of King Nimrod.
Many people are convinced from prophecy and current events that from this rising Beast System a fascist despot, one more fearsome than the Papal Powers of old, will soon arise to wage the foretold Final Battle of the Age. Today the remaining faithful of the beleaguered Church plead to the heavens for a 'Second Coming' of their god just as the ancients begged their gods for the return of Arthur Pen Dragon, certain they can hear the growing sounds of the hounds of Pwyll Pen Anfyn in the distance. Many prophecies, both Light and Dark, foretell his coming, and yet the prophecies of Light also give assurances of his eventual defeat.
Many prophecies speak of a coming Ruler of Light. Jews speak of Melech HaMashiach ben David (the Anointed King) and his pre-runner Mashiach ben Yosef. We are convinced that they will reign by the decree of Almighty G-d! However before they do, the evil dragon must be vanquished! This is the Beast. He will reign over a global system. The prophets differ on the details concerning this despot. For Jews this 'dragon' is referred to as the man "more cruel than Haman." Our sages warn:
Sanhedrin Folio 97a: ...Thus hath R. Johanan said: in the generation when the son of David [i.e., Messiah] will come, scholars will be few in number, and as for the rest, their eyes will fail through sorrow and grief. Multitudes of trouble and evil decrees will be promulgated anew, each new evil coming with haste before the other has ended.'
Sanhedrin 97b: ... Rab said: All the predestined dates [for redemption] have passed, and the matter [now] depends only on repentance and good deeds...
R. Eliezer said: if Israel repent, they will be redeemed; if not, they will not be redeemed.
R. Joshua said to him, if they do not repent, will they not be redeemed! [i.e. not so] But the Holy One, blessed be He, will set up a king over them, whose decrees shall be as cruel as Haman's, whereby Israel shall engage in repentance, and he will thus bring them back to the right path.Christians speak of the anti-Christ, Muslims of al Dijal. The details vary but the similarities can not be denied. How will he arise? What will be his roots? According to certain traditions, both Light and Dark, this Beast "more cruel than Haman" will emerge through a known bloodline.
Dragons represent ruling powers. Whether they are beings of light or darkness depends upon ones relationship with them. For the pre-Christian Europeans, Asians, and others the world could be a dangerous place, but it was not an inherently evil one. Their dragons were fierce and to be reckoned with, but they were often surprisingly merciful (if capricious). With the coming of Christianity a new 'dragon' arose; one that ruled over an inescapable eternal damnation (adopted from and more fierce than the Greek god Hades) for all who refused to yield, both in body and in soul, to its often cruel priesthood and knights. In time this fierce dragon possessed all the thrones of Europe, the Americas and beyond. Like all dragons, this one ruled mainly from the shadows.
This Beast was not the Catholic Church, but she had and has intimate relations with it as the Revelator noted, she was the mother of many harlots. This Beast was not the Arian Reform Movement that survived until the early fourth or fifth century, but it knew it well and also 'played the harlot'. No, this Beast has always stood apart from all others. It views the kings of the earth and the once all powerful Church as little more than tools for its own purposes. The Beast answers to none but itself.
Tracking the Beast
In 458 CE Merovech: Founder of the Merovingian Frankish Dynasty arose. His origins are said to be from more ancient times however. His name Merwich may provide a direct link to the ancient Mer People and from them to the gods Dagon, Oannes and Atargatis and, ultimately, back further to King Nimrod of Babel, described in Parsha Noach (Genesis 10:8-10). His family is first documented in the 2nd century CE by the Romans. The Merovingians lived among the Salian Franks of the Rhein Maas Delta. According to their beliefs, Merovech was half man, half god -- as the Nicean Church claims of its god. But Merovech was born of a sea god after his mother was raped by a bestea Neptuni Quinotauri similis who "fell from the skies," in an episode that may sound familiar to those who know Sacred Writ (consider Genesis 6:1–4 and Ezekiel 32:27).
The dragon became the emblem of 'the Long Haired Kings' of this Pagan god-man Merovich. The Merovingians were later introduced to Arian (monotheistic and anti-trinitarian) pre-Christianity but remained officially Pagan until the reign of Clovis I (466–511) and Clotilde (who was a Papal Christian and embraced the anti-Arian, anti-Torah Nicean Creed of the Nicolaitans (Revelation 2:6, 3:6). Indeed from all evidence the "Nicolaitans heresy" was promulgated by the Merovingians. The names became synonymous.
The New Roman Religion of Nicolaitan Christian that replaced Arianism was powerful and that power was seductive! On Christmas Day 496 the Merovingian leader Clovis formally converted to Catholicism. While his wife's insistence doubtless played a part in his decision, his conversion granted him vastly more wealth and power. It also made the destruction of Arianism far more likely. Why on that most sacred Pagan date? It seems likely that it signified that he had aligned himself with the covert Nicolaitan hierarchy of "Old Nick" and Goddess Pasqua Epiphania. Old Nick also has ties to Dagon, Oannes and Atargatis as is known.
As I discuss elsewhere, the death of the movement of Yeshua ben Miriam (aka Jesus, son of Mary) was a gradual process that took a couple of hundred years. Bishop Arius (250 or 256 – 336 CE) was the last certain leader of the Jewish reform movement of Y'shua ben Yosef that we know of. While the break with Judaism happened a couple of hundred years before this, the sect of the Way had managed to limp on until Bishop Arius' last stand. Arianism survived a bit longer, but the Papal embrace of the Merovingian Order was one of the final nails in the coffin of Y'shua's original movement. It was Arianism that the Merovingians first knew and its rejection by both them and the Vatican sealed its demise.
Later, Charles "the Hammer" Martel arose as a 'Mayor of the Merovingians Palace' (688-741). He was the son of Pepin of Herstal (635-714) of the Carolingian Dynasty (that emerged from the Mayors of the House). Martel turned against the Merovingians (according to reports) and donated the lands of the Papal States to the Vatican futilely hoping for a break between the two groups, the Vatican and Merovingians. In 751 Pope Zacharias sided with the Carolingian Dynasty and seemingly turned against the Merovingians they were sworn to serve. Merovingian King Childeric III was deposed by the Vatican. After this betrayal (if indeed it was a betrayal and not a strategy as many believed) the more covert operations of the Merovingian Dynasty began and continue to this day. Charles Martel and Pepin then rose to power, arguably with the covert support and blessings of the hidden Merovingian hierarchy. Charles Martel was the grandfather of Charlemagne.
As should be obvious, these are deep topics which we can only touch upon here. It is believed by many however that the covert and overt powers of the Merovingian Dynasty remain the actual power behind all the thrones of Europe, including the EU, that it is embedded within the Secret Government (aka the Deep State) of the US and referenced negatively by President Kennedy and positively by George Bush Senior. This powerful diabolic elite, it is alleged, rules most of Western (and much of the Eastern) world. Confirmation of the existence of this lineage, while not widely known, is available to all who seek understanding of the dawning New World Order (the Novus Ordo Seclorum). In time the Mer people, the Merovingians, will emerge from the shadows and they, not Islam, will establish the final global government of the age. The global government already exists and is awaiting the opportune moment for its official revelation.
Order of the Defeated Dragon - Merovingian Bloodline
The Globalists Censor Truth Rather Than Debate It.
* John of AllFaith © August of 2006 (last updated July 18, 2023)
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