The Fourth Great Awakening Part 9: Religious Studies
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The Awakenings

The Essence of Contemporary American Religion

Part Nine of Nine

By Shlomo Phillips © 1989 (last updated March 29, 2015)

The Awakenings

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The Fourth Great Awakening Winds Down

"The Dream is Over"

By John Lennon

Due to the world's manipulated collective desire for universal governance on December 26, 1991 the Soviet Union simply ceased to exist - an amazing thing which we already take for granted today. Think of it however, one of the most powerful nations in the history of the planet simply disbanded and freed its conquered states! Amazing! The dawning of the Age of Aquarius? The dawn of universal peace and brotherhood?

In the United States, the self-proclaimed protector of individual and religious liberty, various atrocities were committed during this period such as the Wounded Knee incident of February 27, 1973. Leonard Peltier remains a political prisoner of the US government due to his role.

In 1985 a bomb was dropped from a police helicopter onto the home of a group in Philadelphia known as MOVE. The explosion and ensuing fire killed 11 people, including five children and the group's leader John Africa. Only two occupants survived the United States government attack.

On April 19, 1993 74 Christian men, women and children were murdered in cold blood by Hillary Clinton and Janet Reno in an intentionally ignited inferno at Waco, Texas. Now she is the next POTUS apparent! Read more and Watch the Frontline investigative report at my Never Forget What The US Government Did At Waco! page.

On August 21, 1993 several well-armed U.S. Marshals, without legal warrant or cause, snuck onto the Weaver private property at Ruby Ridge. In cold blood they murdered Randy Weaver's 14 year old son Sammy, shooting him in the back as he tried to run back to his house after the marshal had killed his pet dog. The next day the Weaver's and their friend Kevin Harris were with the boy's body in a shed when the United States government killers returned. FBI agent sniper Lon Horiuchi missed his intended death shot and only hit Weaver in the arm, but then he fired again, shooting his wife Vicki fatally in the head. She was holding their 10-month-old daughter Elishiba. They were running back to their house for cover and posed no threat to anyone. For more information on these government murders see my Ambush at Ruby Ridge page.

These are but a few examples that made the news headlines as the government 'for and by the people' began wielding its awesome power against citizens who dared to seek liberty or practice their Constitutional rights. Many more subtle cases exist like the Church of Salem, the first US church to be seized by the government for refusing to incorporate under government authority. During this period American religion came under direct attack as it had not since the days of the Scopes Monkey Trial. It was becoming obvious that those who sought religious freedom outside the approval of the state would not go unpunished.

Scattered embers of commitment for peace and freedom remained, however the fact that most citizens remained apathetic and mute in the face of growing American democide as described above was an indication that the spirit of pluribus unum was all but dead. The Dream was indeed Over as John Lennon said.

What had been the Left leaning Peace Movement began devolving into a hard Left Marxist movement. While American Jews and Christians had been very active in the Civil Rights movement, in the Women's movement, and other calls for progressive change, the emerging Progressive movement was anti-Semitic and anti-Christian.

According to various surveys most Americans no longer believed themselves to be part of a nation for and by the people. The US has become an oligarchy (i.e. a government controlled by a small group of hyper-wealthy people) rather than a democratic republic. Having lost faith in the government during the 60's and 70's the citizens were now beginning to fear it. Some went hard Left and continued fighting while most surrendered.

Rather than sparking optimism, the year 2000 produced more dread. The massive Y2K computer virus that was supposed to toast the nation's computer systems turned out to be less than a fizzle. Had we been paying attention the false alarm might have served as a warning about just how dependant we had become on these new technological idols. This warning was reflected in the popular culture as Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines was released on July 2, 2003. The new gods were fully in control and Americans went happily into debt to buy the newest technological gadgets (usually from China or other less than friendly countries). American had lost its edge in every sphere besides militarily. In this field we remained the globe masters! No one could touch the US of A! The hallowed shores would impenetrable! Oh how naive we were!

As the nation entered the new millennium many spoke in terms of an inexplicable sense of darkness that seemed to be present everywhere. Talk show hosts like Alex Jones of Infowars warned of national and international conspiracies that threatened even the US! Of course most people only laughed at his alarmist views, and his tendency to exaggerate situations for ratings didn't help his credibility. Jones is like the present incarnation of Father Charles Coughlin and Senator "Joe" McCarthy (November 14, 1908 – May 2, 1957) rolled into one, with a unique New World Order twist of his own. Like Coughlin, Jones doesn't like Jews. He presents these views in carefully crafted terms that point to "Zionists," not Jews, to their "Banking conspiracies," not to Jews. But along with politicians he endorses, like Ron and Rand Paul, a new anti-Semitism was emerging.

The new corporate controlled media talking heads were beginning to wring their hands about a human caused "global warming" that was dangerously altering the climate and threatening all life on earth. Most Americans paid little heed to these doomsday prophets either. Repackaged as "climate change" however this seemed to be the next hot issue that the nation would be called to distract itself with. The Climate Change ideology began developing an almost religious following among the Humanist/New Age Americans.

But some Americans were now paying attention! We were being played and we knew it!

America had seemingly been victorious in the Cold War with the Soviet Union. Now the talking heads were whitewashing history so that the Vietnam "police action" was called a draw instead of the defeat it was. "We could have won, but the US was too compassionate to do what an all out victory would have required." Americans felt safe again. We still had never lost a war after all!

Bill Clinton's sidekick Al Gore seemed unlikely to begin a new war. He was nut job whose main interest was the war on Climate Change. For that reason among others many supported his bid for the 2000 POTUS election. With his notoriety came a gradual increase in the panentheism of environmentalism.

During this period we began hearing more 'news reports' about dishonored Vietnam Veterans. People began mindlessly reciting the slogan 'honor the vets if not the war'. Media sources began revisiting the common VA mistreatment and social disrespect shown toward those who had been deployed overseas. Certainly it is tragic how many of US vets live and die with mental and physical damages from their war experiences, but there was clearly more to this than that acknowledgement. The widespread condemnation of the War and the warriors didn't help matters for them (although it did end the war faster, thus saving many lives). I'm not debating the sentiment, but those who were paying attention suspected what was being planned by the new war emphasis. The peace (and Al Gore's presidential bid) was about to be deliberately shattered by a new war to end all wars and most Americans and Europeans were oblivious.

The pro-Muslim bias that had been in the media for the past few years ("Islam means peace!") was now taking a slightly less positive spin. The talking heads and politicians began incorporating the new government talking points. Something was changing. The powers-that-be were preparing something, but few suspected the enormity of what was coming.

In 2000 Al Gore was elected president of the United States in a close but decisive victory by the popular vote.

This election was generally viewed with optimism. Although Gore's environmental policies seemed a bit extreme, at least there was no war going on and it seemed unlikely that he would start one. Focusing on the environment for the next four years sounded like noble endeavor. Pollution was getting pretty bad.

The majority of Americans clearly did not like one term president and former CIA director George Bush Senior and they despised and distrusted his son W. After Clinton they didn't care much for Gore either, but at least Bush Jr. had lost!

Democracy had triumphed.
   Or had it?

W. Bush refused to acknowledge the will of the people and step aside after losing. His Florida governor brother Jeb and his state campaign manager began kicking African Americans and other minority voters out for 'questionable infractions' (similar last names to known felons etc) in order to make the election come out as the war minded powers-that-be wanted. If the Americans would not vote W. Bush in, they would enthrone him some other way!

It was now clear that American politicians do not require the consent of the voters to be sworn into office. It was equally clear that if their manipulations of our votes did not meet their intentions then our votes no longer mattered. The powers that be wanted Bush and they would have him!

When the dust had cleared George W. Bush was sworn into office through the Electoral College, defective electronic voting machines (which secured his reelection which he lost as well), his governor brother Jeb Bush who is currently running for president as I write this update, and campaign manager in power in Florida and a sweet deal that awarded Al Gore a Noble Peace Price and the population control movie An Inconvenient Truth. During the days of e pluribus unum this would have led to open revolution but now most people just shrugged their shoulders and pretended not see that the United States had just undergone a successful coup.

During his first year in office W. Bush was the most despised president in US history. Gore, who had surrendered the presidency in exchange for a Noble Prize and a movie was largely debunked as a politician and as a scientist (although both still have their supporters). The nation was changing fast, and not for the better.

Our focus here is on religious development not on politics, however they go hand in hand. As people began to focus on politics active religious development all but ceased. Remember that the machinations of the New World Order includes the replacing of traditional religion with a manageable New Age Universalism based on Mother Earth. These developments are all directly related to that planned global system.

In his A Religious History of the American People Sydney E. Ahlstrom described the 1960s as the end of the Puritan epoch in America (NRC 295). He posited that the result (or cause?) of this transition was the counterculture movements of the 1960s and early 70s. The Awakening of the 60's and 70's produced a generation that, in its hay-day, fostered unprecedented discussion and debate over the nature of reality and the role of individuals and nations therein. The amazing scientific discoveries of the period could have fed the planet, provided unlimited free energy (through the discoveries of Nikola Tesla: July 10, 1856 – January 7, 1943), and elevated humanity to heights still undreamed of, information sources that could have nurtured mutual respect and understanding... had the Aquarian dream been pursued. Our collective potential during this period was incredible! If ever there was a generation that could have established global peace and enlightenment that was it.

But global peace and enlightenment are clearly not the will of the powers-that-be, the covert rulers that President Eisenhower referred to as the Secret Government behind government. Having lost its Soviet justification, the Military-Congressional-Industrial Complex of this secret government needed a new straw man and it created one. One that had helped to established the Elite European Merovingians long before. "The more things change the more they stay the same!"

The War OF Terror

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other"
    -- James Madison to the Officers of the First Brigade of the Third Division of the Militia of Massachusetts, October 11, 1798.

We still don't know evidentially who orchestrated the attacks of September 11, 2001 nor for what purpose they were carried out. It is obvious to most researchers that the official US version of the events is intentionally misleading if not directly false. The 9-11 report contains obvious false and misleading information and ignores a lot of important known facts. Whether or not 9-11 was an 'inside job' as maintained by people like Alex Jones or whether the US government is merely concealing sensitive information for national security purposes, what is certain is that with the onset of the so-called War on Terror (i.e. the American "crusade" declared by Dick Cheney and George W. Bush against the Ummah of Islam and the American public on September 12, 2001), the country culturally reverted to a Cold War mentality on that day. The previously unacknowledged feeling that "something" was wrong exploded, for a time, into all out paranoia. Later, as we will discuss below, many Americans came to side with the alleged attackers.

The creation of the Department of Homeland Security, the so-called Patriot Acts, the doing away with Habeas Corpus protections, the blatant federal and state government violations of the 2nd Amendment, the ongoing militarization of the local police departments, the placing of spy cameras through the nation, and so on ... the Bush (and subsequent) rulings following 9-11 effectively nullified the Bill of Rights and the pre-9-11 Constitutional government. If one defines the United States by its Constitution, that government no longer exists. The home of the free and the land of the brave is no more, in general terms.

While I agree with Sydney E. Ahlstrom's basic views on American religious history, I believe that as a result of 9-11 the 'Puritan epoch' was rekindled among the observant Christians of the nation. In the wake of the attacks what might be defined as neo-Puritanism took root, both in numbers and in short term political clout. In times of great stress and turmoil people tend to return to their spiritual roots for consolation even as a small child turns to the safety of parents when sensing real or imagined danger.

Following 9-11 many in the US decided the attack was a divine call to return to traditional religious observance. For many fundamentalist Christians the attacks foreshadowed the coming of the Anti-Christ and the End of Days. Among these Christians 'the End was nigh'. "Rabbi Google" shows numerous photos believed by some Christians to be Jesus or an angel/demon as the Twin Towers were falling. Some even proclaimed the destruction of the three Towers (including building seven) was the fulfillment of the Christian prophecy:

Revelation 18:2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
Likewise many Jews were becoming more observant. Many made aliyah (moved to Israel) for similar, although less publicly vocal, reasons. Jews, and through them Christians, began studying the prophecies concerning Mashiach ben Yosef, a great Jewish warrior who may come before Mashiach ben David (i.e. the Messiah).

For many others however 9-11 was the final evidence needed for the essential destructive nature of all religion. If such an attack would be done in the name a god then the time had come to rid the earth of all religion!

A generalized fear of 'other' permeates the nation today. There is also a lack of trust in the leaders of organized traditional religion. For many this has resulted in a return to a fundamentalist consciousness devoid of foundation and not necessarily to faith in God nor religion as traditionally expressed. We now have "liberal" or "progressive" people who are even more judgemental than any conservative or fundamentalist ever was! As mentioned above, the Peace Movement has largely devolved into Stalinist totalitarianism. A mis-spoken 'politically incorrect' word can have dire consequences in today's 'enlightened' circles. This situation has created a spiritual discontentment and hypocrisy that is almost tangible. This divisive diversity is ripe for religious and political charlatanism. Seeking to fill the spiritual void traditional religious communities including Jews, Christians and others are now commonly embracing the essential New Age Paradigm and redefining their religious beliefs and observances as de facto Universalists. Just as intended by the globalist social engineers.

As of now the United States remains locked in a schizophrenic battle of wills wherein it continues to wage war on religious freedom on behalf of its official religion, Secular Humanism. The US courts continue to outlaw public displays of religious faith and to discourage belief in any god in the name of secular science and reason. Yet at the same time, certain of America's leaders publicly beseech the Christian deity for divine protection and intervention on our behalf.

Recognizing the falsehoods of the government narrative, many in the progressive and secular movements are now endorsing Islam! It is illegal to teach Judaism or Christianity in public schools and yet school districts around the country are teaching Islam and even forcing students to recite the Shahada! Throughout the Muslim world Gays and Lesbians are publicly executed, women are treated like chattel, and yet it is often such terribly persecuted groups in the US that are on the forefront of BDS (i.e. the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement) and other pro Islamic fronts! We are actually hearing American leaders like John Kerry using Muslim phrases like Insh'allah (If Allah wills). Others are beginning to refer to the Muslim god as 'Allah Subhanahu wa ta'alla' and are actively assisting the Ummah in establishing their planned global caliphate.

Many religious leaders still oddly pray for God's blessings on a nation that opposes most everything the Bible stands for. Why would God bless such a rebellious nation and why would a religious leader request the He does so? The United States government has abandoned the God of the Bible. They have abandoned the foundation of the Republic:

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other"
    -- James Madison to the Officers of the First Brigade of the Third Division of the Militia of Massachusetts, October 11, 1798.
Politicians such as former president George W. Bush, an allegedly sincere Baptist, declared religious fatwas against what he called 'radical Islam' (which is normative Islam) using religious terminology. The Muslims he angered by these decrees are now fighting to defend their ways of life and their religion. They are resisting what they correctly see as the ever-encroaching American Empire. They fully intend to establish a global Sharia-based caliphate (government). Arguably the United States is assisting them in this goal. They certainly are not opposing it:

Most Muslims are just normal people looking to get by in a fast changing world. Most of them had no negative feelings against the US until Bush declared jihad against Islam on 9-12-01. George Bush and Dick Cheney turned the Muslim world against the United States and fanned its hatred of Israel by the way they handled 9-11, whoever perpetrated the attacks.

As Sheik Osama ben Laden frankly explained in an interview at the time:

Q: Al Qaeda is facing now a country that leads the world militarily, politically, technologically. Surely, the al Qaeda organization does not have the economic means that the United States has. How can al Qaeda defeat America militarily?

BIN LADEN: This battle is not between al Qaeda and the U.S. This is a battle of Muslims against the global crusaders. In the past when al Qaeda fought with the Mujahedeen, we were told, "Wow, can you defeat the Soviet Union?" The Soviet Union scared the whole world then. NATO used to tremble of fear of the Soviet Union. Where is that power now? We barely remember it. It broke down into many small states and Russia remained.

God, who provided us with his support and kept us steadfast until the Soviet Union was defeated, is able to provide us once more with his support to defeat America on the same land and with the same people. We believe that the defeat of America is possible, with the help of God, and is even easier for us, God permitting, than the defeat of the Soviet Union was before...

... Just as they're killing us, we have to kill them so that there will be a balance of terror. This is the first time the balance of terror has been close between the two parties, between Muslims and Americans, in the modern age. American politicians used to do whatever they wanted with us. The victim was forbidden to scream or to moan. [unintelligible] source
Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden (born March 10, 1957 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) was allegedly murdered by US forces on May 2, 2011. No evidence of his execution was ever released and yet as with 9-11 most Americans accept the official story at face value. As with the attacks of 9-11 we have only the US government's word for what happened. His body was supposedly dumped into the sea. Those who accept the official 9-11 story were denied closure by his alleged death. One must wonder why, if he had actually been killed, his body was not presented before the world as evidence of American superiority.

My point here is not to evoke 'conspiracy theories' but to show the religious and social implications involved in America's transition from the 'New Zion' of the 17 and 1800's to the Secular Agnostic State it became. The United States is supposedly fighting a crusade or holy war against the Islamic Ummah (nation), a people for whom submission (islam) to the will of God is the supreme duty as it once was here. How can a nation as spiritually bankrupt and divided as the US possibly hope to win a religious war against a people so devout? Obama refuses to even name the enemy or acknowledge that we are in a holy war! Why would the God outlawed by the US come to its aid now against people who, according to their knowledge, serve Him so devotedly? The US government officially rejects the Judeo-Christian God of its founders while our enemies uphold their faith in their god at every turn. If there is a God, as some of us here still believe, why would He rescue this nation?

II Chronicles 7:14 If My people, upon whom My name is called, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their evil ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

With the election of Barry Soetoro (alias: Barack Hussein Obama) the US embraced al Qaeda and the Muslim Ummah and began abandoning Israel. Where this anti-God policy will end remains to be seen but Torah is clear:

I will bless them that bless thee [Israel], and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed -- Genesis 12:3.
We can assume however that all of this is working for the ultimate establishment of a global union under the leadership of a leader more fierce than Haman (in the Book of Esther):
Sanhedrin Folio 97a: ...Thus hath R. Johanan said: in the generation when the son of David [i.e., Messiah] will come, scholars will be few in number, and as for the rest, their eyes will fail through sorrow and grief. Multitudes of trouble and evil decrees will be promulgated anew, each new evil coming with haste before the other has ended.'

Sanhedrin 97b: ... Rab said: All the predestined dates [for the redemption] have passed, and the matter [now] depends only on repentance and good deeds...
R. Eliezer said: if Israel repent, they will be redeemed; if not, they will not be redeemed.
R. Joshua said to him, if they do not repent, will they not be redeemed! [i.e. not so] But the Holy One, blessed be He, will set up a king over them, whose decrees shall be as cruel as Haman's, whereby Israel shall engage in repentance, and he will thus bring them back to the right path.

For more on this see my study: Two Messiahs?
What does the future hold? Only HaShem knows. The human race has been granted free will to choose our course under the allowances of HaShem.

Judaism does not generally share the Christian notion of a coming Rex Mundi (i.e. the Anti-Christ) however as we have seen from the Talmud passage offered above (Sanhedrin Folio 97a and b) the idea that a powerful leader "like Haman" might someday arise and unify the world through religion and politics, and then set out to destroy the Jewish people as did Haman, seems feasible enough. That threat hangs always over the heads of the Covenant people. Desperate for peace our leaders have often throw reason out the window in exchange for baseless promises. We stand firmly with the government of Israel but our only Hope is in HaShem:

II Chronicles 7:14 If My people, upon whom My name is called, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their evil ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Pray that this will happen. Until then:
Joshua 24:15 If it displeases you to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the river, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell, but as for me and my household, we shall serve the Lord."
Thank you for reading this material. I hope it has been helpful to you in some way. If you have any questions, comments or corrections I sincerely you invite to contact me.

The End

The Awakenings

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