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Which is the true religion?

    All religious traditions are human constructs mixing the positives and negatives of human nature and desire, some noble, others ignoble. They all mix truth with myth and fiction and because humans are fallible, so are the various religions. They are all useful in that they point humans towards Self realization of God.

Which is the true path?

    The true path is the one granted to the individual seeker by One God. No two paths are the same because no two people are the same. Each system, religious or otherwise, describes Truth according to limited cultural understandings. One God must be experienced within one's consciousness. The world's religions are there to aid in this process not to be the final dstination. The destination is complete devotion [bhakti] to One God. This is known by various names such as devekut, samadhi, nirvana, heaven.

What is Omnism?

    Simply stated, Omnism is the belief that all religions contain truth and that their adherents do well to learn from and respect all beliefs.Omnism is different from Universalism and syncretism because "If that which you seek, you find not within, you will never find it without." Religion is the way, not the destination. Omnism is not a religion. It is a description of faith.

To this end, please read my upcoming books, Below We Stand and Above We Stand, coming soon to Amazon.         Learn more about my three websites and their creator. Here


"One who honors their own religion and condemns other religions,
does so indeed through devotion to their own religion,
thinking 'I will glorify my religion.'
But, on the contrary, in so doing they injure their own religion more gravely.
Therefore concord is good: Let all listen, and be willing to listen to the doctrines professed by others."

— The Buddhist Emperor Asoka of India, 3rd Century B.C. Domains and Topics: Click the images below to enter.

My New Book Below We Stand:

Available on Kindle and in Paperback

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With Emunah Everything's Gonna Be Alright!

Sometimes Laughter Is The Best Defense!

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Living Beyond the Clouds
With John of AllFaith


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