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The Great Awakenings
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- AD: Apology and Defence, William Miller,
- AoY: Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda, Self-Realization Fellowship, Los Angeles, 1974
- BC: Baltimore Catechism # 3, Prepared and Enjoined by Order of the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore, Benziger Brothers, Tan Books and Publishers, Rockford, Ill. 1885/1974
- BF: Babylon the Great Has Fallen! God's Kingdom Rules!, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York/ International Bible Students Association, Brooklyn, 1963
- BHN: Be Here Now, Guru Ram Dass, Lama Foundation, October 12, 1971
- Body: Body and Mind and Their Possibilities, Murray Gitlin, Dorrance & Co., Philadelphia
- BoM: The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah
- BQ: Basic Questions and Answers on the Church, The Daughters of Saint Paul, Boston, Ma. 1979
- CBH: Chant and Be Happy: The Power of Mantra Meditation, a conversation between A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, John Lennon and George Harrison, Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, Los Angeles, 1982
- CE: The Cult Experience, J. Gordon Melton and Robert L. Moore, Pilgrim Press, New York, 1982
- DP: Divine Principle, The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, New York, 1977
- D/P: Doctrine and Covenants/ Pearl of Great Price, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah
- DRP: Dictionary of Religion and Philosophy, Geddes MacGregor, Paragon House, New York, 1989
- DT: Dispensational Truth, Rev. Clarence Larkin Estate, Glenside, Pa. 1918
- Dying: Dying to Live: A True Story of Life After Death, Tolly Burkan and Mark Bruce Rosin, Reunion Press, Twain Hart, Ca
- EGG: The Crack in the Cosmic Egg, Joseph Chilton Pearce, Pocket Books, New York, 1976
- EHG: The Early History of God: Yahweh and the Other Deities in Ancient Israel, Mark S. Smith, Harper & Row, San Francisco, 1989
- F.I.R.E: Firewalking Institute of Research and Education Newsletters, Box 1738 Twain Hart, Ca
- FoM: The Flowering of Mysticism in the Fourteenth Century, 1971 (facsimile of 1939 ed.), Rufus Jones, New York: Hafner Publishing Co.
- GD: A Concise Dictionary of the Words in the Greek Testament, James Strong, Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, MacDonald Publishing Co. McLean Virginia
- GiS: The Guru in Sikhism, W. Owen Cole, Darton, Longman & Todd, London, 1982
- HA: An Historical Atlas of the Indian Peninsula, C. Collin Davies, Oxford University Press, London, 1959
- HD: A Concise Dictionary of the Words in the Hebrew Bible, James Strong, Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, MacDonald Publishing Co. McLean Virginia
- HG: Hebrew Goddesses, Raphael Patai, Wayne Stah University, Detroit, 1990
- HK: The Holy Kabbalah, A.E. Waite, University Books/Citadel Press, Secaucus, N.J.
- HTR: An Occult History of the Third Reich, Time-Life Video (?)
- I: Illusions and Delusions of the Supernatural and the Occult, D.H. Rawcliffe, Dover Publications, New York
IBC: I Believe in the Holy Spirit and the Church, Lutheran Church Press, Philadelphia, 1965
- IBJ: I Believe in Jesus Christ, Lutheran Church Press, Philadelphia, 1965
- ID: The Inerrancy Debate, Richard P. Belcher (forward by W.A. Criswell), Moody Press, Chicago, 1981
- IU: Isis Unveiled (Vol. 1), H.P. Blavatsky, the Aryan Theosophical Press, Point Loma, Ca. 1919
- IWH: The Illustrated World History, edited by Sir John Hammerton and Dr. Elmer Barnes, Wm. H. Wise & Co. New York, 1936
- JB: The Jerusalem Bible, Doubleday, New York, 1968
- JL: The Jew and the Lotus, Rodger Kamenetz, HarperOne; Updated edition (August 21, 2007)
- KWB: Know What You Believe, Paul E. Little, Victor Books, Wheaton Ill. 1979
- LC: The Life and Times of Lord Caitanya, Steven Rosen, Folk Books, Brooklyn, New York, 1988
- LGPE: The Late Great Planet Earth, Hal Lindsey, Bantam Books/Zandervan Publishing House, New York, 1973
- LM: Life Magazine, Dec. 1990, Volume 13, number 15
- MiD: Moon in a Dewdrop, Kazuaki Tanahashi, North Point Press, San Francisco, 1988
- Mind: The Mind Possessed, William Sargant, Penguin Books, New York
- MoS: Monkey on a Stick: Murder, Madness, and the Hare Krishnas, John Hubner and Lindsey Gruson, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York, 1988
- MWM: Memoirs of William Miller, Sylvester Bliss, ISBN: 1-883925-49-5
- NR: The New Religions, Jacob Needleman, Pocket Book, New York, 1974
- NRC: The New Religious Consciousness, edited by Charles Y. Glock and Robert N. Bellah, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1976
- P: Elaine Pagels':
* The Gnostic Gospels (1979), 182 p., ISBN 0-679-72453-2
* Adam, Eve and the Serpent (1987), 189p., ISBN 0-679-72232-7
* The Gnostic Paul: Gnostic Exegesis of the Pauline Letters (1992), ISBN 0-8006-0403-2
* The Origin of Satan (1995), 214p., ISBN 0-679-72232-7
* Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas (2003), 241p., ISBN 0-375-50156-8- PWB: The Portable World Bible
- RAR: Revivals, Awakenings, and Reform, William G. McLoughlin, University of Chicago Press, 1978
- RE: Religious Enthusiasm and the Great Awakening, David S. Lovejoy, Prentice- Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1969
- RNA: Religion in North America, Ronald J. Wilkins, Wm. C. Brown Co. Dubuque, Iowa, 1979
- S: How the Swans Came to the Lake, Rick Fields, Shambala Books, Boulder, 1981
- SB: The New Scofield Reference Bible, C.I. Scofield, Oxford University Press, New York, 1909/1967
- SiS: Studies in the Scriptures, Dawn Bible Students Association, East Rutherford New Jersey, 1889
- SR: Sikh Religion, no author given, Sikh Missionary Center, Detroit, 1990
- T: The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York/ International Bible Students Association, Brooklyn, 1968
- W: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society/International Bible Students Association, Brooklyn New York
- WIKI: Wikipedia.
- Z: Zohar: The Book of Splendor, Gershom G. Scholem, Schocken Books, New York, 1949
- ZM: Zen Mind, Beginners Mind, Shunryu Suzuki, Weatherhill, New York, 1983
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