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Why is it that when Muslims protest... -- 9.12.09
The Ten... I Mean Nine, Commandments.. -- 9.12.09
Taqiyya: We Can't Say We Weren't Warned! -- 09.11.08
October 1st 2009 is Obama Joker Day! -- 8.24.09
"But its not MY fault! I didn't do anything!" -- 7.31.09
Senator Derides Actually Reading Health-Care Bill Before Voting On It -- 7.08.09
Saddleback Church Is Calling for Muslim/Christian Unity and Hitler-like Actions -- 7.07.09
Hezbollah/Iran May Attack Six US Cities; 10,000 Intercessors Needed NOW! -- 7.01.09
Honduras was just overthrown by
"Barack Hussein Obama's" illegal government! -- 6.30.09
Bill Clinton on Obama: A Big Fairy Tale -- Now He's All.... -- 6.30.09
Impeach/Fire ALL Republicans Who Vote for the Carbon Bill! -- 6.27.09
Is Charlie Gibson the New Joseph Goebbels? -- 6.16.09
Be the Loyal Opposition -- 6.16.09
On June 24, The Media and US Government Become One! -- 6.14.09
Bill Clinton: US No Longer Dominated by Christians and Powerful Jews -- 6.16.09