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Beit Emunah Congregation

John of AllFaith Comix

My Comix are presented from the most recent to the oldest (November 1996).
For older Comix use the links at the bottom of each page.

Astrology?: We can do better! -- 10.27.14

Tikkun Haklali: Rebbe Nachman's General Remedy -- 10.26.14

This Is How You Do It: Hitbodedut -- 10.26.14

Mashiach Now! This 5775 HH -- 10.23.14

How to Pray Just Do It! -- 10.22.14

Judgement Day! A timely warning from Prophet Joel -- 10.22.14

Mean People Suck! Seek Joy, BE Joy!
Rebbe Nachman says to avoid extremes and embrace JOY. -- 10.20.14

A Little Is Also Good! -- Don't worry! Be happy! -- 10.13.14

Micah 6 -- May THIS be the year! -- 10.12.14

The World Celebrates Sukkot!! -- A common question is which Jewish traditions is it OK for non-Jews to observe. When it comes to Sukkot, prophecy is answering! -- 10.08.14

Just Build It Now!! -- Sukkot is indicative of who we are as a people! If you are Jewish, be fully Jewish -- 10.07.14

Just Build It!! -- Sukkot is more than a camping trip! Let it be your gateway to Da'at (knowledge) -- 10.07.14

Faith Now! -- Active FAITH (Hebrew: emuna) may be the missing component to your spiritual happiness!
Don't just "do Torah," do Torah with emuna! -- 10.06.14

J.W. Ween -- Just kidding :-) -- 10.06.14

A Neo Hasidic Environmental Al Chet For the traditional Al Chet see here -- 10.05.14

G'mar Chatima Tovah Yom Kippur -- 10.03.14

Unetanah Tokef - Who By Fire? -- 10.01.14

Rebbe Nachman's: Prayer of Peace -- 9.30.14

IF...: IF you want peace understand this... -- 9.30.14

Isaiah 62:1: Inspired by Prime Minister Netanyahu's UN speech today -- 9.29.14

More Comix

The Most Recent Comix Comix From 11.13.14 - 12.26.14 Comix From 10.27.14 - 11.12.14 Comix From 9.29.14 - 10.27.14 Comix From 8.25.14 - 9.29.14 Comix From 6.22.14 - 8.17.14 Comix From 6.16.09 - 9.12.09 Comix From 3.01.09 - 5.23.09 Comix From 01.26.08 - 2.29.09 Comix From 11.01.08 - 1.26.08 Comix From 9.26.08 - 10.26.08 Comix From 8.21.08 - 9.26.08

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On the Lighter Side
Visit The Not-so Sacred Book of John Not The Apostle

God, its so funny!

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Be the Blessing you were created to be
Don't let the perfect defeat the good