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God! It is so funny!

The Not-so Sacred Web Book Of John Not the Apostle

... So you HAD to look!


    But don't say I didn't warn you!

On Scots Humor

But first:

The San Francisco Highland Games:

Don't you just LOVE the Highland Games?

    Now... I know what you are thinking, "John is not really going to show us anything!

      This is just one his stupid little jokes, another I gotcha..."

So... you're probably going to click the NEKKID LINK CERTAIN that there will not be images of what resides beneath the kilt!

Am I right?

Considering the nature of The Not-so Sacred Web Book of John Not the Apostle I can understand why you might think this...

BUT you would be mistaken! I AM going to show you!

    I had a friend write me a VERY insulting letter the other day saying I had deeply OFFENDED HER by TRICKING HER into viewing PORNOGRAPHY!!!!

Can you imagine!

    I know, how rude right...

So... I want to be VERY CLEAR about this! IF YOU CHOOSE to click the Nekkid LINK you WILL be EXPOSED to MALE NUDITY!!!

Oh the Humanity!!!

Not the old bat and balls!!
Not Captain Winkey and his two first mates!!!!

But its OK... you don't have to click the NEKKID LINK!!!! You can click the return button instead, or you can close this window, or you might want to Click This and return my less GRAPHIC humor!!!!!

It Is YOUR Choice!!!


    The answer to the question of what is worn under the traditional kilt is...

Got it?

Wanna see the EVIDENCE?

Are you SURE?

This is NOT a Joke!

Don't bother complaining about it if YOU decide to click the NEKKID LINK!

You have been warned!

Puritans beware lest you behold God's handy work! -- So to speak...

CLICK HERE NOW and go back to my Main Humor Page lest your eyes bulge out at what reside beneath the kilt!!


CLICK HERE to SEE the Truth for yourself! -- This is the fabled NEKKID LINK!

Sort of Red Pill -- Blue Pill Matrix sort of thing hehe. Humor Home Page
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