Beit Emunah Online Synagogue
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LIVE on Zoom, Monday, January 13, 8 PM Eastern.

One of my greatest strengths as a lifelong seeker and teacher of God’s Way is the same one for which I am most often condemned. Funny how that works.

In 1969, I promised the God of my understanding that I would devote my life to seeking Him and accept whatever He revealed. I asked the Beloved to show me the true religion or path most pleasing to Him. I have endeavored to walk that winding Path for over 55 years. During these years, I have sought ever more understanding and achieved many initiations and conversions into major and minor religious conceptions, denominations and sects. While walking this Path I have accepted a few ordinations, including the two Jewish Rabbinic semakhot of Yoreh-Yoreh and Yadin Yadin, three Christian ordinations, Gaudiya Vaishnava and Yoga Society Upanayana (Brahman initiations), and others from various traditions.

I have concluded that ALL religions are human responses to the One Divine Truth that none fully understands nor comprehends. Or as Gandhiji said: All faiths constitute a revelation of Truth, but all are imperfect, and liable to error.” Although in some ways I’ve known this since the 1970s, I kept seeking and hoping to discover the true religion or group. I have now found that for which I sought. I can now accept the truth that I have for sought for so long. Although it's not the answer I expected when I began:

    Which is the true religion? None of them!
They are all human constructs mixing the positives and negatives of human nature, the truth with myth and fiction.
    Which is the True Path? Now, that’s a different question entirely!

The True Path is the one the Creator grants the individual Seeker. No two Paths are the same because no two people are the same. Each system, religious or otherwise, describes Truth according to limited cultural understandings. But one day, we will all know the Transcendental Truth. This coming event may be concieved of as the Revelation of the Song of Redemption and the Inscribing of God Consciousness into ours, which HasMashiach, the World Teacher, will eventually reveal. That blessed day will come once humanity is ready to receive it. Thus far, the majority clearly are not, and so the diverse prophecies continue to unfold. To this end, please read my upcoming books, Below We Stand and Above We Stand, coming soon to Amazon.

        Learn more about my three websites and their creator. Here.

"One who honors their own religion and condemns other religions,
does so indeed through devotion to their own religion,
thinking 'I will glorify my religion.'
But, on the contrary, in so doing they injure their own religion more gravely.
Therefore concord is good: Let all listen, and be willing to listen to the doctrines professed by others."

— The Buddhist Emperor Asoka of India, 3rd Century B.C. Domains and Topics: Click the images below to enter.

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Jewish Studies


The Way of One God

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Sanatana Dharma

Srimad Bhagavad Gita
The Blessed Song of God


Live and Recorded Broadcasts

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MeWe Social Media

Ask Rabbi Shlomo

Prophecy and More

Book of Daniel

Book of Revelation

The Seven Law Covenant

Religious and Other Holidays

Gilgul Neshamot and More


The Pre-Christian Way Sect

Post Constantine Christianity

Karaite Judaism

My 45 Part Study

The Way of the Sikhs

Islamic Studies

The Way of the Buddha

Return of the "Old Religion"

Identifying Mashiach

This Universe is
God's Garden

Meet Shlomo Nachman!

My recollections

Religious Studies

"Choose life that you and your children may live!" Deuteronomy 30:19

There is Always More to Come!

AllFaith Comix
With Emunah Everything's Gonna Be Alright!

Sometimes Laughter Is The Best Defense!

Our Live and Recorded Services, Classes, and Other Broadcasts:

Zoom: For The Best Synagogue and Shul Experience.
Rumble: Live and Recorded Zoom classes and services.
MeWe Now Our Main Social Media Site! Live videos and more are posted here. Live and Current Broadcasts without signing in anywhere.

Join Us On ZOOM by Smart Phone
First, go to this page and find the best phone number for your location.
At the prompt enter our meeting id number: 6714203394
Ignore the second prompt and follow the instructions.
You will then be in our Zoom Waiting Room.

YouTube: Our older videos. Note: YouTube has deleted about half of our videos and forbids us from posting new ones.

Our Broadcast Schedule:

Recommended Truth Tellers:

Truth Social


Alex on X

Dan Bongino

Explain America

NTD News
New Tang Dynasty


Dr. John Campbell

Dave Elswick

War Room

Living Beyond the Clouds
With Rabbi Shlomo Nachman (John of AllFaith)

KNOW the Fifth Division of the Shulchan Aruch!

The Shulkhan Arukh is divided into four volumes:

1. Orakh Hayyim-laws of prayer and of holidays.
2. Yoreh Deah-diverse laws, including those governing charity (tzedaka), Torah study and the Jewish dietary laws.
3. Even haEzer-laws concerning Jewish marriage and divorce.
4. Khoshen Mishpat-Jewish civil law.

Once a student came to a prominent rabbi to be tested for ordination: The rabbi's first question was "Name the five volumes of the Shulkhan Arukh."
Thinking that the rabbi had made a slip of the tongue, the student named the four volumes, but the rabbi asked him to name the fifth.
"There is no fifth volume," the student said.
"Common sense is the fifth volume. If you don't have it, all your rulings will be of no use, even if you know the other four volumes perfectly."

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Don't let the perfect defeat the good

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