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Rabbi Shlomo Nachman ben Ya'akov
On 1God7Laws: Derech Noahide

The Biblical Way of the Non-Jewish Nations
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Unlike other religious systems Judaism is not looking for converts. In fact, Gentiles are discouraged from seeking conversion. The reason for this is not a dislike of non-Jews but an honoring of the Covenant HaShem has already prepared for them. For most people there is no reason to convert to Judaism. As we read in a different context in the Talmud Y'rushalmi (Nedarm 9): 'Is it not enough for you what the Torah has already forbidden us, you need to add more prohibitions on yourself?'

Torah provides a Way for non-Jews. This Way is known as Derech Noahide (the Noahide Way or Path) of the Sheva Mitzvot B'nei Noach, the Seven Noahide Laws. YOU already have a Covenant with Most High! You just need to embrace it.

For those born of a Jewish mother the recommended Derech is Judaism. For those not born of a Jewish mother the biblical path is the Seven Law Covenant (known as the Sheva Mitzvot B'nei Noach) established with all of humanity. Some Noahides decide to seek formal conversion into Judaism, others are happy to abide in Derech Noahide. While conversion to Judaism is not required, we can assist you in this with through our House of Seven Beggars if you are interested.

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1God7Laws: Derech Noahide.

LIVE Broadcasts Each Thursday at 8PM Eastern!

Watch My Recorded Broadcasts Here

Fellowship and education are as vital for Noahidim as they are for Jews. Everyone is invited to attend the online services and classes of our Rebbe, Rabbi Aryel Nachman Ben Chaim Shli'ta, at The House of Seven Beggars and to everything I offer at, my Facebook offerings, etc. We are here to help not judge!

My Related Offerings here:

Practical Noahide Practice
Must Noahidim Observe the Laws of Rabbinic Kashrut
Noahide Teshuvah: Repentance
What Are The Seven Laws and Are They Biblical?
Help, Don't hurt those who are seeking

The Seven Universal Laws:

The Seven Universal Laws One by One With Rabbi Aryel Nachman and Shlomo.
Noahide Practice.
The Seven Noahide Laws As Practice.
Why is it so difficult to convert to Judaism?: A question for those considering conversion.
Parsha Noach: Genesis 1:1-6:8
Sheva Mitzvot B'nei Noach: The Seven Noahide Laws
Noahide Nanachs?

What is a Noahide?

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