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Welcome to MyStory!
True Stories That Changed My Life
1969 to the Present © John of AllFaith*

One of the ways we can praise God is to recall the paths He has lead us down thus far. My path home to Judaism has been long and varied as you will discover as you make your way through these pages. There is a song that says: I can't believe God is leading me, unless He lead me here. This section is about my sojourn home to Judaism.

This is one of the original sections of It will take me a while to make my way through the linked pages. The way you will be able to tell is that the updated pages will have this background. For my non-biographical pages please go here.

Please note: This section of suffered greatly from the Rabbinic censorship I was subjected to while earning my smicha (Jewish ordination) and the attempt by NetSol to 'cancel' me and steal the domain (which they unjustly took offline for nearly a year). As with the rest of this domain, it is time for a significant update. As you read the linked studies, please be patient during this update process. is Back! Before reposting these pages, I am reviewing them, looking for typos and other errors. The links that do not work indicate that the page still needs to be updated. Thanks for your patience.

Go to: In the Beginning

Go to: In the Seventies

Go to: In the Seventies Part Two

Go to: In the Eighties

Go to: In the Nineties: Santa Cruz

Go to: Muhammad Yahya Saleem

Go to: Course Correction: Post Rabbinic

My quest continues.

Sharing what I've gleaned along the way is a big part of why and the original site, the Roam'n Church, came into being. I hope you will be blessed by some of what you find here. My point is to share, not to dictate. If you have any questions, comments, or corrections I invite you to contact me.

One final note: The name of this domain,, reflects the guiding principle of my lifelong quest for God. All religions, all philosophies, all forms of spirituality are based to one degree of another on faith. It requires faith to believe Truth exists and to pursue it. Faith, we are taught, is 'the essence of things hoped for and the evidence of things not yet seen'. What a great name then is! Everyone who has ever searched for the Truth has done so with faith that Truth exists. Otherwise why seek? I am not one of those people who rejects other faith traditions. While my path eventually lead me to Judaism (yes, my wandering is over), I know that the Light of God shines wherever the human heart sincerely seeks its illumination. And yet I am not a Universalist.

May the One God bless you as you continue Reaching for the One.

For Your further Consideration:

Go to:My Experiences with CFIDS/ME

Go to: Forty Years Ago This Month: My 1969 Vision

Go to: The Amusement Park

Go to: My 1968 experiences around the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King

Go to: My 1969 Vision

Go to: My Quest for Truth

Go to: My Lifelong Recurring Dream

Go to: My October 2007 Dream

Go to: Three Angels Visit Harrell Grove

Go to: Healed! well....

Go to: My Time with the Hare Krsna Movement

Go to: How and Why I "Reverted" to Islam

Go to: What I believe in a nut-shell

Go to: UFO's

Go to: My Original Writings section

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* By John of AllFaith, © 1997, updated October 20, 2023

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