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Conversion to Judaism:
Giyur -- גיור
These studies focus on what it means to convert to Judaism. How does a person become Jewish? Are converts "really" Jewish? Is Judaism like a cult where everyone must agree all time? What you should know about the Jewish Movements before converting. Is one Movement "more Jewish" than the others? What's the differences between traditional Orthodox, Conservative and Reform Judaism? Most important, is conversion something you could consider?There is much more to come so check back often! Please join me on my Facebook as well. "Like" and "Share" my studies with those you think might be of interest. As always your comments, questions, and corrections are invited.
Section Directory
(mainly posted in the order produced)Important Points to Consider First
Rambam's Letter to Obadiah the Proselyte
Meet David Bozarth, author of Into the Balance, in two insightful interviews with Shlomo Phillips (videos)
The Golden Rule and why Attempts to Convert Jews is a Serious Mistake (includes text and video version)
Jewish Uniqueness Are Jews Uniquely Chosen? Where do converts fit in? (includes text and video version)
A Shema Secret Understanding the Shema. Understanding this is critical for converts. (includes text and cartoon version)
Shema Israel: What the Shema is and how to incorporate its truth into your life (includes text and video version)
Faith is the key Emuna and the faith of Cain and Abel. There is more being a Jew that external observance. (includes text and video version)
Why its so difficult to convert There is a reason! (includes text and video version)
Orthodox Views of Non-Orthodox Movements Considering conversion? This is important to understand! (includes text and video versions)
So, you wanna be a tzaddik ...: Why do you want to convert? You can be pleaese God without converting. (includes text and video versions)
The Trefa Banquet: Judaism Divided. This is the origin of the modern Movements/denominations.Where do you best fit? (includes text and video version)
The importance of Shabbat:Part One: Shabbat: Our Hope
Part Two: What Shabbat is not
Part Three: Preparing for Shabbat
Part Four: Observing Shabbat
Shabbat (From: AISH.com)What it means that HaShem is Echad
Orthodox or Liberal? Hillel or Shammai?
Shema Israel
Yetzer Tov and Yetzer hara: The Impulses of Free Will
Teshuvah: Finding forgiveness.
The Sacred Name: The Third Commandment
The 613 Laws defined by Rambam These are only applicable to Jews.
Sheva Mitzvot B'nei Noach: These Seven Laws are non-Jews.
The 13 Principles of Judaism According to Rambam these are things all Jews should believe. Do you?
The Hope of the World
Zion and Zionism
Judenhass Foundation of Antisemitism. By converting you will be hated too. Are you prepared for this?
Who is a Jew:
Who is a Jew? Part one
Jewish Roots Part two
Becoming Jewish Part three
Our Movements Part four
Why is a Jew? Part five: Rabbi Meir Kahane teaching.
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